Orange Balls Of Light Over Alloa Scotland
Date: February 7, 2010Time: Approx: 8:00 p.m.Hi Brian, I was wondering if you may possibly work out this sighting to us.It was on February 7th at voice 8.00pm having the status of we saw these suspicious ocher balls of light over Alloa. It was a end night and agreeably wasn't an aeroplane or helicopter, communicate was three of them in the sky. They all flew in from particular commands and united up in fathom formation (they gathered in a slightly accurate line) and flew numerous break up until they vanished in the sphere of the night sky (I wasn't lost in seeing them as my mum and grandparents as well as saw the lights). We accept as well as seen the lights further on on Christmas Day at voice 7.00pm having the status of communicate was deserted one in the sky, may possibly you work out this suspicious phenomenon to us ? We procure strongly in Aliens and Uncanny activity and were wondering if we had spotted agree aliens. Charity.Email Brian Vike: v factor paranormal@live.comBrian Vike, Conduct of The Vike Notify (Inwards The Uncanny)