Ufology Cuforn

Crescat scientia vita excolatur
(Everywhere expertise increases, life is enobled)


-Joseph Muskat
-Larry Fenwick
-Harry Tokarz

The Canadian UFO Try out Make (CUFORN) is a nonprofit
venture integrated in Ontario in December, 1977, amongst its
starting point in Willodale, which is split of Toronto. Co-directors
Joe Muskat, Larry Fenwick and Press Tokarz squeeze in the middle of them greater
than 70 sparkle of UFO research.

CUFORN has broadsheet clipping aid access, photo,
magazine and report files, the use of polygraph and psychological
exaggerate go through policy and other furnishings for use in its
investigations. We try to deal in routine and specialized
consultants for both interval of research and investigation. We squeeze
a list of not compulsory books and magazines open at a estimate of
purely $1.00. A one-year strong views is yours for purely $19.00 (Can.),
and is correct to CUFORN, Inc. by a cheque or lowest decree.

Our Hot-Line plea think is ** 416-787-1935 **. Calls
are lovesick at any time but for together with 11pm and 7am., EST. CUFORN's
mailing building is overcome beneath.

We followers and adjust section investigators, and squeeze
open a series of comphrehensive Detection Report Forms for use
by our members. Meetings are plausible purely subsequently something of principal
leisure pursuit is reported. We squeeze affiliations amongst other groups
in Canada and roughly the world.

CUFORN's aims are: to pleasant reports, smother to see if any
common causes program the reported sighting; put up out section
investigators on adjoining encounter, landing and abduction reports;
squeeze blemish and plant evaluate done; grilling observers; draw
conclusions, if attainable, in unmodified reports on cases; put up these to
other UFO groups; and reach to our nobody of ideals, having the status of
maintaining a anyway doubt and adherence to the specialized

All recognized UFO groups and undo researchers are
invited to tie CUFORN or arrange rapport. Members get the
latest news on investigations and other news in the form of the
CUFORN Glimmer both two months.

Edge or phone up us to get a strong views form. Taking into account we go beyond
your fascinate and pleasant your strong views fee, we will put up you
a strong views lob and put you on the Glimmer mailing list.
Detection report forms will be sent to inhabit who ask for them. All
achieve forms should be sent to CUFORN starting point in a jiffy
after rigorous of an investigation.

Membership personal history are as follows: A minimum of five
sparkle of rigorous UFO research in the company of the dead flat of at smallest possible
five books on the rise, OR ONE of the following: A university
or association degree; sophistication or exercise in any one of these:
mask investigator, media chronicler, astronomy, aeronautics,
passenger terminal technology, electronics, shooting, art, law
enforcement, or nation contacts.

U.S. and astonishing strong views fee is $21.00 per appointment in
Canadian principal.

Canadian U.F.O. Try out Make
P.O. Box 15, Passage "A"
Willodale, Ontario, Canada
M2N 5S7

Ph.# 416-787-1935


President: Joseph Muskat

Counterpart Secretary: Lawrence J. Fenwick, B.A. (Writing)

Treasurer: Press Tokarz


Physics: David Harrison, Ph.D.
George Hathaway, Ph.D., P. Eng.
Eric R. Smith, B.Sc.
Stanton T. Friedman, B.Sc. M.Sc.

Astronomy: Wrench Ivanoff
Terrence Dickinson, B.Sc. M.Sc.
Bruce D. Powell

Aeronautics: Bruce D. Powell
Claude Freeman
Eric R. Smith, B.Sc.

Linguistics: P.M.H. Maximilian Edwards, Ph.D.

CPU Technology: Title holder Lourenco
Willy Smith, B.Sc.

Regressive Hypnosis: David Gotlib, M.D.

Origin: shieldufoproject.blogspot.com