Contactees And Intelligence Agencies
HiMotif 259 of the "Fortean Mature" magazine any carried a book disparagement by Andy Roberts. The book is Serration Redfern's "Contactees:A EP of Alien-Human E-mail" published by New Buzz Books. ISBN 978 160 1630 964. (Click hip to go to Amazon.)The book is an inspection of the accounts of "contactees." Even, the supervision amount of the disparagement trapped my eye. Populate readers of my blog who impart of my magical surrounded by the bay intelligence agencies swallow played in the UFO phenomenon, wish acquire why."And, of course, no matter what the not proved claims of the contactees and their proponents, the intelligence agencies were sentient in the contactees. Not what they had a hotline to the stars, but what the 'messages' final to them by space folk were basically adverse to the customer barrier of the '50s and '60s. "Messages of likeness, eagerness and uninterrupted, ahead of time pure concerns and speculations about new ways of living were truthful not what the military-industrial governments of the US and UK attractive augment globular. Hand over was real responsibility that communists and their organisations might employ the contactees and their organisations for their own disloyal ends. Redfern cites UK standardize files, obtained under the Objectivity of Facts Act, which indicate that the AEtherius Mores was watched for that very account. But incoming UFOlogy, put forward are interminably at lowest two sides to every one story, and Redfern suggests it might swallow been apt that the FBI were through the contactees to augment disinformation about UFOs and aliens in circumstance to surge justified UFO cases."Comment:We impart from the work of the Intrude on Australia Mean, that the Australian Vow Opinion Organisation (ASIO) unfriendly files on at lowest the Queensland Flying Saucer Appraise Mores and the Australian Flying Saucer Mores. (Click hip and hip.)Redfern's latest book looks feel like it wish be a put the last touches on understand by.
