How Ufos Fly

Ionized air around UFOs

Alien space crafts use free energy in space, so they do not need to store fuel as it is done on the ground with all our moving objects (car, aircraft, missiles and so forth). They can "forever" fly in space without worrying about refuelling. The higher degree of technological development of civilization, the more complex type of free energy it uses. Primitive civilizations using the simplest and most accessible kind of free energy, which does not require deep scientific knowledge about nature, namely wind and water. The sun, for example, produces various types of energy, including heat, light, gravity, electromagnetic energy and who else knows what. For example, if people could use only 90% of the sun's energy that it releases to the earth in 1 hour, then it will be equal to the amount of energy which mankind consumes in one year. This requires enormous technological level of scientific knowledge, which humanity does not presently possess. All of these solar cells, which we have now, are just the first step in a very long road to cultivate free energy.

Aliens' knowledge about the secrets of nature is enormous. They can use, maybe not all types of energy produced by the sun (star), but most of them, so they have no problem travelling among the stars. But in any case, regardless of what kind of free energy they use, I noticed that they are always surrounded by a translucent grey cloud, which may be the result of ionized air in the stratosphere. This cloud always accompanies them, regardless of how quickly they fly.

What is more at one point you can notice that these clouds can disappear and show up again: AFO has technology to manipulate those clouds. they use the latter for camouflage in the night sky. Imagine that in the pure night sky, an observer sees a transparent gray cloud, say 50 meters in length. He will think that it is normal gray cloud. In fact, this is the cluster of 20 to 30 UFOs. If you stare at a certain point of the cloud, you will see that a small part of it begins to move rapidly, leaving the cloud. This is the UFO, surrounded by an ionized cloud. If you do this experiment with a cloud 20 - 30 times, which should take you a few minutes, all the UFOs disperse from the cloud and the cloud will disappear.

By counting these ionized clouds, which are created by UFOs, you can roughly estimate the number of UFOs in the sky. These clouds are most visible 10 - 40 minutes after sunset, when it is getting dark. The sky does not have to be clear of clouds, because through them you can still see the signal lights of the aliens' space crafts. The whole sky will be fills up with these small gray spots to resemble a chessboard or a soccer ball with its black and white patches. The UFOs all hang immobile across the sky, but if you look closely at each of them, you will notice that they begin to move faster, approach the observer with different trajectories and abruptly stop.

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