Orbs Over Long Island August 2012

..My family and I are still on our summer's vacation however I felt it important to report the fact that I am being sent reports from those living along the South Shore of Long Island concerning strange lights, objects and Orbs. I was sent an email by a man who reported yet another strange sighting of an unidentified object along the South Shore of Long Island New York that I felt should be shared right away.

Obviously Long Island once again seems to be a hot bed for this type of activity. I think that Long Island is a small land mass hanging out in to the Atlantic Ocean that is a connecting point from the open sea to land which makes it a vantage point to see the coming and going of what may be coming out of or flying over the great Atlantic Ocean. As far back as I can remember UFO sightings have been reported by Long Islanders. Many strange lights and objects have been seen along the South Shore of the Island facing the Atlantic Ocean.

The most recent report was sent to me a few days ago during the first week of August. It came from a young man who is located around the mid-point of Long Island close to the Islip Township.The man wrote and told me this sighting of an Orb was seen by a group of men (about 6), who were standing in an open area talking. It was night time and they were in a parking lot type area surrounded by a small tree line.

Suddenly, the group of men noticed a very bright large Orb floating above them. It was silent and hovering. It would move above the tree line about 30 feet above telephone pole height. The strange Orb hovered and maneuvered above them standing in the lot and the trees lining the lot. It seemed to watch them before it simply disappeared right in front of their eyes. It was there and bam, it was gone.

The group of men did not know nor had they ever seen anything like this Orb before. They are not people who are interested in things of this nature and were shaken by being invaded by the strange object. The men tried to figure out what they had just seen and tried hard to reason out what it could have been. A few wanted to chalk it up to a balloon or toy controlled by someone playing a trick, others had similar ideas, all of them realized they had just witnessed something they had never seen before. Three of the men felt they had seen something unknown which is why they wrote to me and explained what they had witnessed. The group of men where shaken and frightened by the odd event.

I think this group of men is now among the millions of other people who have had an encounter with the unexplained. Orbs that are being reported at an alarming rate all over the world. At this point I remain confused and concerned about the Orb dilemma. I experienced firsthand an experience with a Red Orb during the 1970's that had a huge impact on my life. I understand Orbs can be harmful and dangerous and try to warn those seeing them to stay away from them if they see one.

If you do find an Orb watching you immediately seek safety and other people to protect from being taken or harmed by this strange object. I do believe they are objects that watch us and collect data about us however I truly believe they are capable of more. I think the group of men reporting this recent Orb sighting is lucky it left them quickly. I think it was sizing up the idea of taking or somehow making contact with them. The fact there was five or six of them along with the fact they were located near other human activity and lights at the time saved them from this fate.

Please be aware people are seeing and dealing with strange things daily. It is only a matter of time that one day you may find you are the next one to be alone looking into the cold dark eyes of the unknown. Put down your cell phones and hand held gadgets that control your attention and maybe purposely have been placed in societies hands to make us vulnerable, distracted and controlled by things we could never dream of. Who knows what lurks out there. Pay attention to what goes on around you as you never know when it will be your turn! Do not be the one who walked into the trap and finds they are alone and lost to the unknown.

Copyright (c) 2008-2012 Chris Holly's Paranormal World http://endlessjrny.blogspot.com/email chrishollyufo@yahoo.com phone 631-877-4818




My spouse has an opportunity to work in Europe for the next two months. It is something we are thrilled about as it will extend our summer's vacation to the beginning of November

I will be spending my time visiting the different places we are heading to and hopefully finding new and interesting things to write about.

I will not be posting daily on my blog but will continue to post new articles that I plan to write during my time away.

We have had a very interesting summer and hope our travels will continue to be a wonderful adventure for us.

I hope you continue to visit now and again to read my new postings. I want to thank you for being loyal readers as well as the real people who send me incredible encounters of extraordinary events.

I will continue working on the completion of my book which is full of the events of everyday people like you experiencing amazing sightings or experiences.

While I am busy visiting ' across the pond ' as well as writing the articles told to me by people like you please continue to be careful out there and always pay attention to your surroundings.

Thank you

Chris Holly.

changed into my nightshirt. I thought I saw something strange outside but a second glance revealed only the same old tree. Nothing else seemed to be there. I sat on my bed to fiddle with my slippers. From my bed I had a full view out the placed some type of light in the tree. I wondered why he would do that, as its only purpose seemed to be illuminating my bedroom. I looked at it and realized it seemed to move slowly in a clockwise rotation. I also felt a little dizzy

I told hixact dimensions as the light distorted the size of the orb from second to second making it appear to pulsate as it hovered within the tree.

feeling as if we had huge hangovers. We apparently had not been under the covers but were lying on top of them instead. The bed was l perfectly made. I was still in my nightshirt but wearing my robe now as well. My husband was fully dressed in his jeans and tee shirt. We remembered caused that red light. I quickly threw on shorts and a shirt and ran after him. Frankly, I did not want to be alone in that room.

explained. A short time after that night my husband began declining into a deprese all got along well. October had rolled around and we receiveden party. The content of the displays also made me extremely uncomfortable. As we wandered around the house we made our way out to this huge tent they had erected on the back of the house. In this tent were food, a bar, chairs and a stage they had built. The stage had a curtain over it with a sign stating the show would begin at midnight. I tried to relax and enjoy the party but frankly this insane display of detailed aliens and UFOs made me uneasy at first and then very nervous. The aliens were made of some kind of rubber. They were grayish and looked very real. It must have taken him months if not longer to create all of it. His wife later told me he had been obsessed with this party for over a year and spent hours every night and weekends building it all in their garage and attic. her. A table-like slab that seemed to float was in the corner of the display. It had a human-like full-size doll on it with an alien leaning over it. The alien held a tool in its hand and was waving it over the doll. The display had flashing lights and sound effects and everything in it moved. It was the most incredible thing I had ever seen and it frightened the hell out of me. The people at the party were thunder-struck by this scene and yelled and clapped and laughed. They loved it. My ex-husband stood there looking very pleased. I walked over and just stared at him. He turned and stared back. I then said to him in extreme seriousness, "You remember this, don't you, from that night?" Without blinking an eye or giving it much thought, he looked right at me and said, "Yeah, I think so." He then turned and walked back to his party. I thought I was going to cry, vomit, or faint. I found my husband and told him I had a stomachache and wanted to go home.

On the drive home I told my husband about the red orb I had seen so many years ago and what had happened at the party and how upset it made me. Like all good husbands he reassured me my ex was just a bit off and that I shouldn't take it to heart. I could tell, like a wife can, that my husband was concerned and found it all very odd as well. I think something happened that night years ago when that red orb sat in that old pine tree. I think it changed my ex-husband for the rest of his life. I also think I subconsciously block all memory of it. Maybe his experience that night was worse than mine. I tried a few times to bring it up to him. He just tells me he is not sure what happened that night and will not discuss it past that. I am very fearful of it all since that Halloween party and so I just let the subject stay, as it is, unspoken.

I never take the stance that unexplained events people sometimes talk about are ridiculous or untrue. I lived a few experiences in this life I cannot explain. I simply refrain from letting them become the center focus of my life and I accept that we know far less than we think we do. I accept there are many things we do not yet understand. I also try to stay aware of my surroundings. I am a firm believer that it is best to walk away from that which one does not understand rather than to walk toward it. The unknown is just that--the unknown. My motto will always be to walk softly and carry that big stick.

s Paranormal World- http://endlessjrny.blogspot.com/

Email chrishollyufo@yahoo.com tele 631-887-4818