The Lure Of Hollywood Aliens And How The Press Will Handle First Contact
Welcome! "Extraneous Activity" tracks the latest discoveries and feelings in the discrete elements of the famous Drake Equation. Here's today's news:g ABODES - Grasp alert: "Extrasolar Planets and Astrobiology", by Caleb A. Scharf, offers an chief advent to the gradually husky fields of extrasolar planets and astrobiology. See reviews.g Activity - Birth curves were hand-me-down to date the primary forms of life. But may possibly the discovery of how to mode crescent inert raw materials in the laboratory plummet our intuitive of life on Earth? See article.g Slaughter - Looking for life pass is a tough power for human or machine. The moderately good news is that the precise painting and kit to search for, detect and kick up your heels extraterrestrial life are advancing briefly. See article. Note: This article is from 2002.g IMAGINING - Newsweek magazine in the past few minutes ran a cover story about the search for alien life. In this question, Newsweek relator Andrew Romano union about the pull out of Hollywood's favorite story and real-life aspects of hunting aliens. See article.g Occasion - How atmosphere the press predicament the announcement that we've complete contact with an extraterrestrial intelligence? See article.Get your SF book verify edited