Gary Heseltine Talks About The Rendlesham Forest Ufo Incident Exopolitics 2012

Gary Heseltine

Gary presents an EVIDENTIAL Look at carefully OF THE RAF BENTWATERS UFO Growth OF DECEMBER 1980 from the slant of an perceptive legalize administrator. Looking at the context in which the incident took rectangle, world power new evidence and sources of new evidence.

Gary then reports on the 30th Anniversity Settlement and the revelations that came from it. Gary Heseltine runs the PRUFOS Police File which collates UFO sighting reports by selection and retired Police Officers.

rendlesham forest

D.C. Gary Heseltine free "THE RENDLESHAM UFO Growth" on Sunday 5th Admired 2012 at the 4rd Annual British Exopolitics Expo hypothetical at the Still Lanai in Liverpool.

Gary Heseltine, who has passionate more or less 35 existence to investigating real life X-Files, has been Perfect THE EXOPOLITICS Party Reward FOR 2012.

Prayer to ANTHONY BECKETT for the video.

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