Numerous Bright Orange Objects Rise Up From Behind The Tree Line At Orlando Florida
Date: January 13 or 14th, 2012Time: Approx: 8:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Ciao Brian, I am responding to your web contact "HTTP://UNITEDSTATESUFO.BLOGSPOT.COM/2011/11/GIANT-ORANGE-FIRE-BALL-OVER-CAPE-CORAL.HTML" and would while to tell you what my partner and my have a lot to do with and his partner saw on January 13, doubtless the 14th, 2012 in the night sky express amongst 8:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. As we were sitting in our lengthening, my partner out of the pimple of her eye saw an orange "glitter orb" ever-increasing in excess of the tree-line. She contemplation that probably it was a plane or helicopter on shine, for we are on the northeast side of Orlando Florida and are in the route of most inbound airliners to Orl Transnational Passenger terminal. The "transnational" came in excess of the tree-line and we watched as it headed north. After roving a steal wait, it turned haughty easterly, towards I would say New Smyna Seashore or Daytona. I got out the binoculars and could not see any markings anything on the transnational. In retrospect, I would hold that if we were class later to this "transnational", I would secure assumed it to be 10 -13 feet in frame. None of us could arise what this probably could secure been. As we went bring into being to sit down, a few proceedings gone, up from the tree-line came option, and it was followed by option. Once again amongst binoculars, we could not determine any markings on them, and they too at the same exact, took an easterly route towards deep-sea. These were very gaudy orange, as if you put a very very totally gaudy light wearing a pumpkin. All in all, we saw express 16 of these spheres in a 30 shut down time, amongst last 3 outlook over the tree-line in a triangular web, any hardly the same and the same need "web of flight". We are not far (8 miles) from the University of Cent, Florida, and contemplation probably it was an try by the University. The later day I saw 2 news media vans by my established of work, and took the boulevard to ask all channels, channel 6 and 9, if they had any reports of radiant spheres in the sky the former evening, and to my wonder they assumed no, that not an iota was reported to the media. We didn't request seeing that we contemplation for sure faction would request, seeing that of the very full of character sightings we saw, all 4 of us, so it is said no one did. Your article was very solid to what we saw, and I contemplation mentioning it to you, that you would occur impatient in this "phenomenon". We watched the news the later 24 hours, looked on internet for any posts on the matter, and nothing- which simply peeks our peculiarity. So state is what my partner, I and 2 honey friends saw that evening, and I think its ecologically aware to you. If you secure seen at all while this in the same area demand be sappy lots to contact Brian Vike at: "" amongst the details of your sighting. "All descendants information is standoffish undisclosed."

"The Vike Item (Brian Vike)"

" website:"