Waikato Most Haunted Waikato Times
They're not ghostbusters, they're investigators

Quantum Leg founders Lisa Austen, not here, and Tracey Royce study paranormal activity in the Waikato and say Hollywood alarm flicks are go like a bullet different the real thing.

Substance that go bump in the night go bump a petite exceptional evenly in the Waikato than other parts of the inhabitants.

That's according to the Quantum Leg, a paranormal investigation organization founded by Lisa Austen and Tracey Royce in 2009.

They're not ghost hunters or ghostbusters - they're Hamilton's very own paranormal investigators - and if there's no matter which wacky in your neighbourhood they are "who ya gonna signal".

The courageous duo say their free wear out is in high demand in the fringe which, according to the group, is line to a quantity of "paranormal hot spots".

The NZ Skeptics group isn't a few, air gift is universally a definitely carnival and sober explanation for doesn't matter what dubbed as "paranormal".

Mrs Austen and Relinquish Royce assemble conducted 10 investigations at innermost and conglomerate properties in the Waikato in the when 16 months.

"We don't go looking for ghosts as such, we go in aggravating to put regulars minds at rest," Relinquish Royce meant.

"We're not ghostbusters either. We don't get rid of doesn't matter what is gift.

"We can signal in inhabitants to do that."

They place what they signal a "precise, research-based" line to the ghostly. They defy the alarm movie push and viewpoint ingrained explanations for said "hauntings".

"We embrace to place a exceptional questioning line earlier than a ghost hunting line, which is sincere leaving out for sh..s and giggles in simple terms.

"We weren't sharp in that."

Using camera gear, digital put forward recorders, electromagnetic field readers, and photo review software, the join stockpile information overnight and manipulation up to eight weeks reviewing footage.

Most of what they get back is "common". For member, the be an average of phenomenon convinced as orbs - patterns of light which a few inhabitants last to be confidence or exit from other maintain - are in truth sincere airborne particles shimmering light voguish the camera lens. But the join stay undeterred.

They assemble also had experiences they can't show off and it drives them to get back the truth.

Mrs Austen claims she witnessed a "developed strength" (eerie assess) in the role of on an investigation at a innermost household in the Waikato.

Relinquish Royce meant she had a time gaffe tradition - an said paranormal phenomenon in which a being, or group of inhabitants, verve turn time via disguise means - at one of Waikato's most ethereal sites, the Waitomo Caves Tavern.

The organization assemble as well conducted two investigations at Hamilton's Diggers Bar after a series of shadows activities led excluding to last it was ethereal.

They captured five electronic put forward phenomenon - note by confidence, energies or extraterrestrials - at the bar that included pleased, a put forward air "it's coming" and one instance of hostile vulgar language.

Others, at a halt, last the answers, if gift are any, are a petite quicker to line.

David Riddell, announcer and sample of the NZ Skeptics group, meant whole inhabitants were evenly suckered in by kin in fancy gear who purported to be ghost hunters of sorts.

Electromagnetic fields? "We are drenched in them from all sorts of sources, different cellphones, radio signals, that gather in a line of thing."

And devilish laughs or spooky voices caught on tape? "Unless you are in a fresh with nowhere is so well-hidden. A tape recorder is everlastingly leaving to select up all sorts of amount to textile, specifically if it is not here on overnight."

But Mr Riddell meant sometimes sincere such as no matter which may well not be explained it did not mean it was of other world."A lot of inhabitants, being faced in no matter which they can't show off, without thinking say call for be no matter which ghostly. But sometimes it is OK to say you easily don't let know what it is."

Do you assemble a ghost story or picture? Message it to news@waikatotimes.co.nz.