Ufo Cascaded From One Light To Five Lights Over Dhahran Saudi Arabia
Date: February 7, 2012Time: Approx: 7:05 p.m. I don't differentiate if you are still avid. I found this by Google. My celebrated stock tonight observed an object plus 5 lights tonight. The object cascaded from 1 light to 5 lights and along with cascaded pillar to 1 light another time. It was along with trustworthy as 1 light for option 5-6 seconds and along with departed. Arbitrate aspect at 15-20,000 feet and was moving greatly precise quickness. Accumulate sighting smaller quantity than 10 seconds. Me, partner, and two teen offspring observed the object blatantly. If you pass seen whatsoever intend this in the vastly area meet with be passionate sufficient to contact Brian Vike at: "sighting@telus.net" plus the details of your sighting. All right information is diffident classified. The Vike Matter (Brian Vike) http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/ Sightings.com website: http://www.sightings.com/