Bell Shaped Ufo Makes Second Appearance Over Brisbane Australia
A bell shaped UFO was caught on film over Brisbane, Australia for the second time in 10 months.

Bell Shaped UFO Brisbane, Australia

This UFO has a unique bell shape with a bright illuminated bottom and is hovering silently in the sky. It reminds me of an old style industrial light fixture without the lamp post.

The most recent sighting of this bell shaped UFO took place on May 27, 2013. The video is of good quality and has a good focused close up the UFO.

The first appearance of this bell shaped UFO took place over the same skies of Brisbane, Australia in July of 2012. The video of this sighting is not as good quality as the most recent appearance but you can definitely identify it by its shape and illuminated bottom as is in the first video.

Has anyone seen a UFO quite like this one? We are curious to see if the UFO will make another appearance over Brisbane anytime soon.

**UPDATE JUNE 7, 2013**

This UFO sighting could possibly be fake according to +Antonio Paris of the API. Antonio ran the video through some forensic software and found some signs that it could have been altered. Antonio posted this picture that shows a rainbow effect that usually is a sign of the video being created by some type of software.

Forensic analysis shows signs of fake UFO video.

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