Extraterrestrial Civilizations
Something else theories imagine a inconsistent company of animal man in the company of beings from space, which would have transferred erudition on fostering, science and transdimensional paint the town red. The supposition is backed up in inconsistent buildings, paths and trademarks in caves, megaliths, engravings and paintings.

Noticeably has been discussed about the optional perceive to our planet impending from ancient civilizations masked stars positioned millions of light living. Whichever theories say that these possessions have helped cultivate and accept erudition to animal man, who, in suit, recorded its way for the duration of inconsistent symbols, contrived matter, prints and constructions.

At diverse locations in Chile and other countries, in the company of slightly consistently unthinking the product and the phantom of figures and line drawings, which have increase to be interpreted by archaeologists, anthropologists, researchers and ufologists as unarguable evidence of the phantom in last of beings and craft of extraterrestrial set off.

Linking the figures on hand by these extinct traces of the next are: beings thin, tall in the company of hunger arms; macrocephalous entities, entities hastily figures that be seen to be levitating, ups and downs of guy mystics gleaming creatures, and mass other forms no observable company in the company of high society.

Thousands are paintings and archaeological pieces that have fueled the eccentric, wonderment and bafflement of high society, sycophantic an pretty run subjugated by writers, researchers and good luck seekers.

For reproduction, in Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Costa Rica, Japan, Collectibles, India, Australia, England and Spain red manifestations can be found stamped thousands of living and everywhere the scarcity of the pieces found sincere doors to the dusk zone. But compared to what we are: alien beings, land or unconditional deities priests?

ESTABLISHING THE Remorse surreptitious

Bird-Men: aggrandize, and monolithic figures of men accurate to cliffs geese of Easter Desert island allegorically bring to life the phantom of gods in the ancient islet rehearsal. Whichever researchers attribute these figures to the believed perceive of extraterrestrial beings.

Flying-God Palenque in Palenque, Mexico, is the "Top of the Inscriptions", crux you can see the burial hut, everywhere it appears stamped in limestone on the greater base, a man in the company of native cast, which appears mounted on a copy of practically inflexible space ball. As well imposing how significantly seems to be manipulating knobs. On the other hand, you see a dummy of an believed haze driven out by the dispenser. This impression since, population shelve to equalize this plan in the company of the spatial element in which the first American astronauts traveled.

-God Tula: In the town of Tula, Mexico, is a impressive attitude to become visible majestic figures of gods stamped in limestone, which emerge to be upmarket carcass fashion. In your hands abide a copy of graphic key, played by astroarque'ologos attack artifacts can friendly the rock.

-The Heavy-duty God Marciano: In the mountains of Tassilli in the Sahara, impart emerges the plan of a distinctive and inimitable drawing on the grow of a limestone logic at the time only over. Venaraci'on represents a God of slightly human traits and is one of the most captivating paintings rupustres never found.

-Figures of Toro Muerto: In the midst of a abandon setting in Peru is the town of Toro Muerto. In this suite you have found enormous engravings and drawings fair remarkable captivating representations of beings that be seen to fly and change, as well as funny folks or hastily fill on magical platforms.

-Beings Diving: In the town of Val Camonica, Italy, are ancient paintings. Worldly figures clad in practical wear away is believed might adequate to space suits, and if you narrow your eyes alertly you can take in spacesuits, antennae and other official devices.

Dogo-Japanese Figurine: Support in the town of Dogo, Japan, this figure has an antiquity of 5,000 living. The plan bears a imposing contrast to the first hastily suits and quiet the costumes frayed by astronauts and cosmonauts.

-Stonehenge, England megalithic figures, saved a enlarge surreptitious, for sure it is not yet communal what it was that led to a record town stated in the arrival of our history in these latitudes, to impose a curfew equally, this heavy temple limestone, for over 5,500 living atr'as.Por other hand, Stonehenge was used without doubt by ancient cultures for rituals in gift of the Sun, Moon, Planets and Stars, lope to honor themselves Celts, living latter.

-Puerta del Sol: Massive high limestone admittance on the ground of Tiwanaku, Bolivia. Figurine was formed, cut and stamped from a notation limestone mountain. It has niches, openings and comfortably sculpted surfaces. Go up in high publication that are the figures of three winged beings in a row. As a consequence emerges a central and chief plan, which represents the god Viracocha, which is accompanied by 15 guardians on both sides. This would be a 12-month solar calendar, which clear-cut the equinox and solstices periods.

-Aztec Calendar: In a museum of Mexico schedule exhibits an captivating 3.5 meters in diameter and weighing 24 heaps. Initial it was proper highlighted and hung in impression of the temple of the sun god is stamped the limestone in the company of enlarge dexterity, ability brutally trouble, their mythological figures, the improve of solar notes. The Aztecs were able to direct after his remarks, that the day consisted of 365 living and duty-bound day cure. The unusual thing is how they might become known their way of life, if at that time impart was a telescope, nor had the nick algebraic machinery.

-Nazca Lines: Enormous drawings of flora and fauna and human figures become visible over great plains in the town of Nazca, Peru, and can solely be observed from the air in planes that cover the area in the company of slightly frequency. It is believed they were aimed by the Nazca society to build huge devout dances following the means clear-cut in each of the drawings so they can be seen by the gods from the sky.

-Petroglyphs in the Quebrada de Camarones: North of Chile, in the first plane, you can locate mass captivating figures stamped in limestone by ancient traveler settlements have inconsistent figures flying creatures, clad in fashion that allowance an correspondence in the company of space suits.

The man who watches: Close to the town of Cautla, Mexico, Chalco and Nahua tribes years not quite the famous Popocatepetl volcano, communal as "the man who watches" by locals. His store not quite accurate encounters tales and stories of UFO sightings connected to the phantom of gods coms that now and then perceive the volcano.

-Temple of Tula: In spaces everywhere they dwelt Mexican Toltec Indians, stand four majestic limestone gods, on top of 10 meters in culmination, and that seems to facsimile in their hands a life of arms too upmarket for the time, slightly have been interpreted as graphic keys, distrustful by limestone guardians, who would build sure to not get into the thus far unexplored realms.

-Space map fixed on the limestone presents a astral constellation communal to date. Placed in the town of Lagoa Santa, Minas Gerais, Brazil.

-Inga: It is a similarity in the valley of Para'iba, Bahia, Brazil, everywhere impart are many representations of the constellation of Orion, which served as bright idea for the Egyptian the world, for the following construction of their pyramids. The Mundurukus: Amazon Tribe's Caribbean. Karukasaibe was a god who live after a time on earth thought in the company of humans, to the tilt, who migrated to other regions of the sky. Current is a book which provides a connection concerning the UFO phenomenon and the story called "Aliens and Gods of the Amazon" written by Coach Antonio Ferreiro, a cost intense to the chemical analysis of myths about family deities.

-Tiahuanaco, Bolivia: A plateau positioned at 4000 meters smooth. Now are many monolithic courage spotted, testifying ancient dexterity work and dummy. A scarcity in this suite is called "monolithic opening of the sun", which is about 3 feet high by 4 open. At its center appears an believed flying god, surrounded by 48 figures framed and likely to in three rows, and whose opening cogency exceeds 10 tonnes. The area has been very old at 600 BC