When You See This Again You Will Know It Is Time Spring 1990
This next memory of alien encounters includes an interesting detail that I wonder about-- how many other people who are regularly contacted have gone through something similar? If you are someone who has had an experience like this, please let me know.The spring of 1990, before I turned 20, I had become closer friends with my fellow camp counselor from the summer before. During the months after camp, I managed to break the news to her about the alien abductions. She remained my friend despite initial skepticism-- mainly because on the nights where something happened to me, things were happening to her as well. This continued for a couple of years before almost completely petering out. However-! When she started getting paranoid about some very odd nocturnal events, I knew I couldnt keep silent any longer. After a few more such nights, she began to believe it was possible, though it took another year or longer for her to allow such a reality to penetrate her world as she saw it. She had experienced a few other paranormal things growing up (like ghosts) so her mind was more open in general, despite her extremely pragmatic demeanor.In the interim, Budd Hopkins had contacted me and put me in touch with Linda "Cortile" as a phone buddy. I was having regular incidents, often several a month for months at a time and I was highly anxious. I told Budd I discussed these experiences with no one-- and he advised me that if anyone I knew seemed to be having similar experiences, I should find some way to bring it up. He advised not getting into debates or anything, but just letting the person know what happened to me and then take a step back and let them figure out theyre involved as well on their own. Some people wont accept it no matter what. Others are curious and want to know the truth of things and could end up being a source of support. He also advised me to tell my parents at some point, since it was obvious that both of them were abductees as well (thus explaining perhaps part of their many psychological issues...)So, though things had quieted down some from summer, I was still constantly having abductions. Most by far were NOT remembered. I would wake up with clues (wrong bed, wrong way in bed, wrong nightwear) that something had happened. Or Id remember a couple of seconds of an incident. Keeping in mind what Budd told me, I shifted my total secrecy stance somewhat for people directly effected.My first regular romantic interest had been driven off within 6 months by my tormentors/abductors between the summer and winter of 1989. When they started messing around with him (just showing themselves to him while awake mainly) I had to confess about THAT aspect of my life to him, as much as I didnt want to. And I watched a former Army Ranger yelp like a girl, nearly piss himself, and have panic attacks after several of the incidents. He started taking out his fear, frustration, and need to lash out on "me", and the relationship ended swiftly. Once we no longer saw one another, his experiences totally stopped for good (I found out years later when he sought me out briefly.) Apparently, once the aliens were satisfied they left the poor guy alone! The time period where he and I were dating ended up haunting him for years though. (Hence his reasons for seeking me out later.)* * *What happened was I actually woke up with an entire large segment of memory of an abduction and subsequent communication between myself and the aliens entirely intact. I was astonished. But I was more dismayed than anything because what I remembered was out of character for me...They came and got me the night before and I was gone for hours at some sort of combo meeting and lesson. We were discussing (or-- mostly I was learning about and being prepped for--) "the significant future." The aliens often talk about a time when they will come out into the open and be very active down here on Earth, and it was all about that supposed future that was the central theme for the night. I dont remember exact specifics on most of it, but I attended a type of class with other abductees where this was told to us.The next thing I remembered, and very clearly, was that my escort grey-- the regular guy I know so well-- was with me in my house in the pre-dawn hours while everyone was sleeping after the meetings and classes were over. There was one last thing we had to do.I was talking to him and choosing some things to give to him "temporarily." The first thing I gave him was a highly personal handful of scraps which were all that remained of a baby blanket I dragged around for years. I called it my "Kiki" and it was reduced to scraps by my own hands kneading the fabric as a self-soothing thing. Though I no longer used it in such a manner, it remained a highly personal and cherished collection of items kept together in the far back of a dresser drawer. Yet I recalled going to my dresser, opening it, and pulling out the wad of bits of fabric and handing it over. I remember, too, that I viewed the sorry collection of my former baby blanket with something akin to reverence, and the escort-- tuned into me mentally-- took it from me like one would a sacred relic. He didnt understand why anyone would have an emotional attachment to something so strange, but Ill give him credit-- he rolled with it! (Im sure it made for an interesting report they filed under the "humans are crazy" files.)Next I went downstairs from the bedroom and pulled out an old 1950s make-up case lugguge piece. I kept it under the stairs to store it when I wasnt using it. Its where I kept my collection of white witchcraft stuff. It included tarot cards, a crystal ball, a brass cat, strips of rainbow fabric, and assorted stones, vials of oil, incense, feathers, and so forth. I had been collecting these types of items since I was 15 and several things were well out of my price range and had to be saved up for over a long period of time (like the crystal ball.) I had been practicing some magick for years using these items and it functioned as an all-in-one traveling alter type of thing. Very practical and didnt look like ANYTHING interesting from the outside! Yet I pulled it out and asked if that would work. Just the one highly individualistic Kiki scrap collection wasnt enough, apparently. They hedged their bets by taking the 2-foot by 1-foot by 1-foot case with all the goodies inside.My escort was then satisfied by my offering, truly a personal sacrifice of some of the most highly prized and unique things I owned! He set my Kiki scrap bunch inside the case, and then took it. I felt sad at the loss, but in a distant way, and was more concerned that I chose correctly for the assignment set to us regarding the future.Before he left and I crawled back into bed, my escort guy reminded me again of WHY I was giving these things up. It wasnt forever- it was only until THAT time. The time it seemed like the aliens were always planning and preparing for... These items had to be unique and special to me. Things I would never forget. Things no one could possibly duplicate. Things that would trigger memories and a sense of purpose for me. And I got to choose those things and remember choosing them for a reason. He said, "When you see this again, you will know it is time." Of course I knew exactly what time he was referring to... When (not if, supposedly!) I see that case and its contents again in my home, and those items are returned to me, that is their personal "signal" to me that events I have been told about and trained for have begun to unfold. When I see those things again, I know its time to say good-bye to my life as I know it here and prepare for reality to change utterly. When those items return to my life, my real mission begins. All this I knew in my head in an instant due to the classes and meetings I had attended before earlier in the evening.I have spoken of rendezvous points as the ultimate climax of this ongoing saga-- where abductees and some of their friends and family go to certain locations to be evacuated. But that is not the beginning of the events as they have been laid out and planned for... There will be weeks, months, maybe up to a couple of years before events reach such a point. In the meantime, there will be plenty of drama planet-side (according to what I was told anyways) and the items showing up as a signal is the aliens way of giving some abductees an early "heads up!" I was given to understand that the aliens would be SO busy and things would be SO crazy as the series of events begin to unfold that there just may not be time for a personal face-to-face meeting. Therefore, theyve planned well ahead to use this method to allow some of us to be prepared just before things really got interesting. It was obvious that I was not the only abductee that they used this signalling system with. Were supposed to keep it secret, and not even think about it really. Just go on with our lives until the moment we see it and then BOOM! Purpose kicks in.I barely remember my escort grey leaving and my saying "good-bye"-- but I do. He went out the front door, in a very physical manner. I opened it for him and then shut if after him, with him carrying my case. Then I nonchalantly went back upstairs and crawled into bed like it was another night.Yet I awoke the next morning recalling all of this with some real upset. Not at the idea of the world changing and requiring all this cloak and dagger stuff-- after all, a part of me has been preparing for such things since I was very young. But rather at the idea I gave THOSE things away. I knew I wouldnt see them for "at least a decade", "and maybe 2 or longer", and I couldnt believe I had just handed things over like that! I was in a very different mind state at the time of my actions, and I literally awoke the next day immediately going, "OH NO!" I mean I sat up in bed and gasped!I jumped out of bed and ran to look in the dresser drawer. "No Kiki!" A pit of dread hit my stomach and I ran down the stairs and looked under them and my case was gone as well. I had used it for some dreamwork meditation only a week before and no one in my household cared about the darned thing. There was no reason for it to be suddenly gone. Except that it was and I remembered why and how! Even so, I spent much of the next week searching for my missing Kiki and case (no small task in my mothers home) and there was no trace of anything. I even went out to the apartment trash bin and checked that morning-- nothing! I remembered giving things to the aliens, but "I didnt want to believe myself." I was so upset that I could do such a thing!My co-worker friend from camp was the very first person I told about the incident-- and it was also worthy of note that nothing had happened to her that night, nor did she have the same issues stemming from it. The question became" why"? I have only heard maybe 2 or 3 other abductees that admitted they had something similar happen to them. But there were other abductees questioned who did not have things taken with a promise to return it "at the right time"-- like my own husband, for instance. I dont know why even the same groups of aliens use the same policies for some abductees and not others. Maybe someday I will know. For now, it remains a mystery. I guess that in my own case, for the sake of convenience they may "piggyback" some functions between myself and my hubby. Like Diana telling me to tell him the rendezvous point rather than bothering to do it themselves. It may be the same with the personal signal. They assumed, all those years ago, that my husband and I would still be living together when things commenced many years into the future.The other remarkable thing about this incident is that they purposely let me remember part of it. Just like with Diana showing me a picturesque site and telling me to tell my then new boyfriend (and now husband) Gerick about it. When the aliens decide theres a time period between one point and another that they want you to recall, they can make sure you recall it. Ive seen this remarkable ability to precisely define a period of time for memory between periods of amnesia again and again and this was another example.Of course, there would be no point to doing what they did if I didnt remember it consciously.I honestly havent put much thought into that incident for 2 decades. I was mad at myself, but sighed and let it go. I eventually replaced most of the things I lost that I still used and mourned the things that could not be replaced and moved on. They were, after all, just THINGS. As dismayed as I was at the time, no real harm was done to my life.Still, for obvious reasons, now that Im allowing myself to take this memory out and brush the dust off, Im rather impressed. Weirded out, too.Again, though the claims about their involvement with our future seem dubious, the amount of time and effort (and storage space!) wasted if what theyre telling us is a lie seems incredible! They will make short term lies for expediency ("yeah, Im your... "mother"... so do what I tell you") or during a demonstration (like making you think someone you loved who died is visiting you, or how to cook dinner with a conjured boyfriend) but in general, thats the extent of their lying. Its obvious why theyre doing it and once you catch on to it, you can see through it quickly and easily. The aliens are TERRIBLE liars. You pretty much have to be an an altered mind state to even begin to believe them. Without that, normal consciousness soon exposes the b.s. for what it is. Being telepathic probably makes lying unnatural to them. Its really hard to lie when others can read your mind!The aliens dont seem to communicate with their subjects and then allow them to remember it without a darned good reason. The communications are specific and limited to a particular message. These types of messages are few and far between and almost never about anything regarding our lives as humans "down here" right now. Most are regarding this future time period. Even then, however, the elaborate explanations are never given. The aliens prefer discretion and obfuscation. (Which is one reason why Im extremely skeptical when any abductee claims the aliens passed on "spiritual messages" of an enlightened nature. Even the Nordics never did that in my witnessing. They, too, stuck with the business at hand!)There is an agenda being followed carefully here, one way or another. An agenda that doesnt seem all that interested in our cultural understanding of things. Were very attached to our culture-- we are creatures of culture! So some of us try to create meaning from what they do and find a point in our culture to comment upon from it-- as if the aliens are sitting in judgment as teachers of us. Yet the only editorial commentary I have ever heard (repeatedly) is that the way we short-sightedly put short-term gain against long-term survival (of our biosphere) is insane. They seem resigned to it, though-- they dont pass it as a message like they expect us to listen and change or anything. You can tell whenever they bring it up."[-- Yeah more commentary on this type of thing when I finish recounting my past memories. The next 5 years worth of memories are by far the most interesting and illuminating. And for most of it I was paired with my partner, Gerick.]"Once more, I find myself in a state of non-attachment. Maybe itll happen. Maybe not. If I had to place a bet, I would bet that it will happen-- but I refuse to count on it, if that makes any sense.But if it did..?If it did-- well... that would be an interesting day to say the least!