The Wow Extraterrestrial Signal Explained
In August 1977 an Ohio State University radio telescope detected an unusual pulse of radiation from somewhere near the constellation Sagittarius. The 37-second-long signal was so startling that an astronomer monitoring the data scrawled "Wow!" on the telescope's printout.

The signal was within the band of radio frequencies where transmissions are internationally banned on Earth. Furthermore, natural sources of radiation from space usually cover a wider range of frequencies.

As the nearest star in that direction is 220 million light years away, either a massive astronomical event - or intelligent aliens with a very powerful transmitter would have had to have created it. The signal remains unexplained.


A team from the National Geographic are working to respond to the famous 1977 transmission.

"After recognizing the pattern, the scientists on the other end would theoretically be challenged to find a way to decrypt the transmission and understand our language. No small feat, but surely finding a signal of intelligent origin from another planet would be a momentous and impactful find for them - assuming they don't already know about us from past visits!"


"Since the human brain lacks the frontal lobe capacity for telepathy within our own species - how is it that a completely different species would be able to achieve this?...bearing in mind that by the same mentality it would be no different to say that you could telepathically communicate with ants, spiders, cats or dogs etc."

W.O.W or S.O.S?



Keywords: The Wow Signal, Explained, Exposed, Decoded, NASA, Extraterrestrials, Communication, Information, Discovery, 1977, Recording, Unexplained, Aliens, WOW or SOS? Got something to say to Fallen Angels? Communicate, Contact, the Response, 2012, the Warning, the Sign, Audio, Twitter #ChasingUFOs