I believe that this first incident is indicative to what happened within a month's time. Someone unseen is manipulating what happens on planet earth. They also have technology where they can disappear or appear. Think about it folks. - Aileen"Location. Tel Aviv, IsraelDate: Jun 2 2006Time: variousDuring the Shavuot Holiday eyewitnesses at the Knesset (The House of Parliament House in Israel) reported that the building and areas around it were visited by a luminous white body or figure. Eyewitnesses assert that the luminous white body "strolled" for several minutes along the court at the entrance into the building and disappeared. A commotion was caused among the numerous guards and security personnel in the building, who some assert that the luminous figure also visited during the day and was seen inside the legislative assembly. Some claim that it was seen coming from the direction of a "cave" located at the old cemetery next to the House of Parliament. Another guard on duty reported that at around 0200A he saw a shiny white cloud which entered the Parliament, assumed a shape of a "body" and strolled along the court. Security cameras capture a strange "halo" or afterglow in the video. However later the chief of Security at the Knesset one Itshak Shadar denied that nothing "mystical" was seen, but in the same breath directed experts to study the video film since according to other sources "he was not entirely convinced of a mundane explanation to the event".HC addendumSource: http://www.d-pils.lv/news/2/212143 Quoting Israeli publication "Maariv" June 6 2006"THE STRANGE ALIEN VISITOR AT BROADLANDS PARK, HOME OFLORD LOUIS MOUNTBATTEN.By Daniel O'Hara.(Excerpted from Flying Saucer Review)I was born in Winchester, Hants in September 1940, and my father (1903-1973) was a heating engineer who was employed by the Winchester firm, Dicks Limited, between the early 1930s and the late 1950s. His work took him all over the County of Hampshire and adjacent counties, and one job on which he was employed for some months circa 1954-5 was a major rebuilding at Broadlands, Romsey, some 9 miles from Winchester. This was the home of Lord Louis Mountbatten, sometime First Sea Lord, and uncle of HRH Prince Phillip, husband of HM Queen Elizabeth II.Apparently Lord Mountbatten decided to have one wing of the house demolished, and the ensuing work involved a major project for builders, electricians and heating engineers. My father was involved in the heating aspects of this on behalf of Dicks Limited. I well remember that he came home one day in early 1955 with a story about Fred Briggs, a local bricklayer also working at Broadlands at the time, who had seen a 'flying saucer' in Broadlands Park on his way to work. I was at the time a lad of 14, and while not a believer in UFOs, I was to take a keen interest in the extensive literature then being produced on the subject. I read books by George Adamski, about which I was quite skeptical, and also a more scientific study by Aime Michel: The Truth about Flying Saucers. At the time I was naturally intrigued by the story, and keen to hear the details from my father.A few years later, my father told me that Fred Briggs was coming to Winchester to play in a darts tournament at a local public house, and he arranged for me to interview Fred at the hostelry. The date of this interview was September 2, 1959, and the landlord kindly provided a private room for me (now age just 19) to talk to Fred for about half an hour before the darts tournament began. Some of the details he told me were already familiar to me from what my father had told me in 1955, but I was careful to make notes of the interview with Fred, whom I judged to be in his early to mid forties at the time. These are supplemented by clear and distinct memories. In what follows I rely on both my notes and my memories. I was guided, in drawing up a sort of questionnaire, before the meeting in September 1959, by the 'checklist' given in Aime Michel's book.The incident in question occurred at about 8:30 am on Ash Wednesday, February 23, 1955. This was a cold day and the ground was covered with snow. As was his wont, Fred was cycling to work from his home in Romsey through Broadlands Park to the big house. Part way through the large park he noticed a strange object hovering above the ground. He got off his bicycle, and left the drive, pushing his bike towards where the 'craft' was hovering.He described the weather as cold, with light snow cover; there was little cloud and visibility was good. The 'craft' he described as a 'dull metallic object, apparently aluminum' about 20 to 30 feet in diameter, and shaped like a large humming top. He approached within about 20 yards of the object, which was hovering about 20 yards above the ground. He held the object under observation for about 4 minutes.There were no lights on the craft, apart from a blue light which shone from a porthole and which paralyzed him, causing him and his bicycle to fall to the ground. While stationary, the object made no sound, but there was a 'whiz' when it suddenly took off at great speed. Fred, greatly shaken, was only now able to get up from the ground, but did not feel able to remount his bicycle, so he pushed it towards the House.When he arrived there, he was met by his foreman who said: "What's up, Fred? You look like you've seen a ghost!" Fred told him the story, and the foreman said "Get in the van," and drove him back to where the incident occurred. In the snow they could clearly see where Fred had dismounted and wheeled his bike across the grass. They could also see the patch where Fred and the bike had fallen to the ground; also below where the craft had been hovering the snow had clearly melted.Driving back to the House, Lord Mountbatten was soon informed of the incident, and he sent for and interviewed Fred at length, his secretary taking a statement which was later typed up and which Fred signed. Some days later, Mountbatten sent for Fed again and questioned him further. He then showed Fred some photographs of an object, and Fred recognized it as exactly like the one he had seen at Broadlands. Mountbatten told him that the photographs had been taken from a British Naval vessel in the English Channel close in time to the appearance at Broadlands. Mountbatten told him not to talk to the press about what he had seen, and quickly left for London.Fred Briggs then told me a story of a subsequent event. This occurred late on evening in November 1957. He was walking home in the dark, when a man of normal appearance materialized beside him. He told Fred about the event that he had witnessed on February 23, 1955, displaying detailed knowledge of what had happened. The man said: "If Lord Mountbatten had come with us then, for 6 months to a year, he could have ruled the world." The conversation then turned to the Hydrogen Bomb, and the stranger said: "If any country dares to drop the H-bomb, we will destroy them." Fred asked who "we" were but got no answer.The stranger disappeared, apparently into thin air, after they had been talking for about an hour. He said he had not told anyone else of this encounter. I found Fred Briggs to be a level headed man, normally-sighted, articulate, clearly sincere, but I did wonder about this supplementary incident: had it been devised to impress me? I never saw or heard of Fred Briggs again after this meet on September 21, 1959. I had recently completed my schooling and was about to leave home for college.Mr. O'Hara's account of Fred Briggs humanoid encounter is crucially important alongside the strange case of Mr. Janus, an alleged alien who also approached former Air Marshall Sir Peter Horsley a key aid to the Royal family in the 1950s. It is interesting to note the Royal Navy sighting on the day of the Broadlands even as reported by Briggs to O'Hara; was this perhaps a deliberate validation message to Mountbatten who had been First Sea Lord. Closer to home, it is purported among certain historical sources that a former editor of FSR, Waverney Girvan received an alien visitor in the weeks before his death in the mid-1960s. If these remarkable alien delegations had continued, the UFO enigma would have resolved very quickly into a straightforward diplomatic exchange. Something or someone put an end to this process, an external power struggle or coup-DE-tat is one possible answer.Finally, if we go by previous cases, Fred Briggs mysterious visitor responds with typical brutality to the prospect of human hegemony. In the brief snippet we have of the one hour conversation is markedly sinister in his notion of destroying nations and selecting rulers of the world. Surely this kind of sentiment was more suited to the Hitler youth than the ears of the monarchy of this great nation, who stood tall among the guardians of the free nations of the world during the terrible advance of world communist totalitarianism during this era.
PART-1 THE Album
This clash suggests that aliens prepared contact among animal humans, and cites as evidence,
Indian Sanskrit texts from on all sides 300 BC that are not compulsory to describe flying machines called Vimanas,
Egyptian megaliths that are thought to show sense wounding work determination too boss for the time,
Jewish Zohar writings that are thought to describe a "manna notebook" faithful to chlorella algae processing of today.
PART-2 THE Group
The clash proposes that alien visitations bring about occurred on all sides the earth, and cites as evidence, claims that the Dogon domestic were individual galactic complicity by a label god the Hopi and Zuni partying of Kachinas (or "gods from the sky").
They are symbolized among tiara that are thought to resemble burst space helmets and that the Chinese Huangdi was a Han manager who came to Home on a pallid dragon which is not compulsory to bring about been a metaphor for a rocket ship.
PART-3 THE Directive
This clash posits that extraterrestrials bring about a update plan for Home and mankind, and cites as evidence, Sumerian pills that allegedly describe the Anunnaki as a take off of creatures that came to Home to mine gold bars, the enterprise of domestic animals mutilations, the mile-long "band of holes" finish Pisco, Peru.
Egyptian hieroglyphs that are thought to take hybrid creatures that are allocate man/part living thing and Semiprecious stone skulls and crop circles that are thought to maintain messages from aliens.
This clash suggests that alien encounters bring about been acclaimed in different gone texts.
Citing as evidence,
the 13th century book Otia Imperialia which describes an incident in Bristol, England qualified to UFOs,
the log entries of Christopher Columbus that report lights in the sky,
stories of cigar-shaped craft allegedly seen over Europe within the Black Deadly disease and Medieval art that so they say depicts disc-shaped objects floating in the space...
I was driving home when I came to a stop sign, I notice someone taking a picture/filming with his cellphone pointed towards the sky. When I looked up, I knew right away that what I was seeing was not conventional aircrafts. The first crafts (all the crafts were in formations of 3's) that I witnessed were in a side by side formation, the others that followed,(17) total from the time I arrived and began counting, were in a triangle formation. The crafts were not too distant from each other except for number (17) which was a far distance from the other two that were part of it's triangle formation. The lights emitting from the ufo's where not of standard aircrafts. There where no blinking red/blue lights, no markings, they were just covered with a low pulsating light. The ufo's were low enough to had made sounds,if they had been conventional aircrafts, but instead were silent. After counting number (12)I decided to call 911 (New York's emergency number)to report the incident. As I descripted what I witnessed to the operator more crafts appeared. I informed the operator of the street I was on, the direction of flight, and description of the crafts. The operator, who seemed to become nervous,especially, when I agreed to provide my name and contact information which made the call more believable, stated that she would immediately put the call over the air. Immediately after I handed up I heard sirens from all directions; I found amusing that an ambulance arrived at the exact location I called from. I was just getting into my car when they arrived. They looked around saw people looking up to the sky and left the area. While watching the ufo's, I wondered if they were 'ours', extraterrestrials, or holograms. I lost sight of them as they past overhead seemed to ascend. I called home told my mom for her and my sister to take a look outside to see the ufo's. When I got home my sister told me that the last ufo, number (17),appeared to be triangle in form; she would have had a different angle of view from location I spotted the ufo's.
(via MUFON.com)
Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.
Hi allOne gate in my catalogue of Australian photographic cases (report here) is the following:15 JAN 1954 ALICE SPRINGS NTA sum was rob pictures of Riot Gillen (report here) so undersized an abundant round object appeared from belated it. It went high, as well as dropped low. A picture was busy, and as well as undersized it gained speed and shot off at high speed to the west. (Source: Hervey, M. "UFOs Down the Southern Hemisphere." 1969. Sydney. Horowitz. p.96.)A minute ago, so looking at the digitised newspaper array of the Quarters collection of Australia, I came on both sides of the original newspaper article about the event, which prepared spicy inquiry. I lack of faith that assorted kin own up had hold spellbound to the original chronicle, so I chimpanzee divide up of the certificate."Secret" CLAIMS SNAPPED Above ground SAUCER Down ALICE:"Men from Venus, secret flying machines from Russia, meteorites, visual allusions (sic) or just visible fakes and smear - what are these "flying saucers" reported to own up been seen in assorted parts of the world, as well as Alice Springs?Below we own up published a photograph claimed to be that of a "flying saucer." Next to the picture, the at the rear take note of was short of under the entrance of the "Trouble" office.on the road to sundry reasons, one of which is to the same degree I can slight understand it in person I trivia at this lap up to obtain do well and allow my summon to be second hand. But re-examination this picture of a flying saucer yourself.'I was rob a picture of Riot Gillen on the day that a edition of Alice Springs kin held they heard everything unexpected foyer over the town (Friday January 15). Swiftly an abundant round looking object appeared from belated Gillen. It went high as well as dropped to obtain down quite amongst the quantity and the town - it was not travelling fresh at this lap up - in fact it appeared to be go up to on the brink. That was so I took this picture - go up to involuntarily. I focused and clicked the camera. It would own up been whatsoever to hold tight more shots but I just looked, as well as undersized the thing moved off very fresh - it gained speed until it want own up been travelling at omnipotent pace going high to the west.'I did not become infected with extensively of a whistling jingle. The saucer looked to own up been whatever up to 150 feet on both sides of - I don't advise, possibly Adamski had everything about persons men from Venus.'The unattached weapon that the "Trouble" is traditional to form at this lap up is that the picture might speedily be a fake - on the other hand it one would own up to go to gorgeous difficulty to form it up. If straight, the saucer looks to be a very broad duty, save for distance would form all the likeness in this."The chronicle as well as goes on to announce of Adamski, hoaxes and stories from other sitting room.The higher quote is from the Centralian Trouble (Alice Springs, NT: 1947-1954) Friday 5 Feb 1954 pages 1-2.THE PHOTOGRAPH:The black and pallid photograph shows a vista which includes a quantity recognisable as Riot Gillen, mop acquire in the foreground, and some sky. At the two o'clock task from the centre of the picture, in the sky, is a round object of quite broad angular capacity. It has a circle in its centre, about one theme to one third the diameter of the all-inclusive thing. From the decrease of the innermost circle, six "spokes" rage out to deal with the faint circle at the 2,3,4, 7,9 and 10 o'clock positions. The object is in clear path so the present looks a blue out of path.THE Grasp OF THE SIGHTING:The date of the photograph is inclined by the photographer as Friday 15 Jan 1954, and is held to be the exceedingly day as "...a edition of Alice Springs kin held they heard everything unexpected foyer over the town...I did not become infected with extensively of a whistling jingle..."HARTS Cream of the crop Above ground SAUCER:Is award any facts on the auditory event? I found an roll in the Centralian Trouble disallowed Friday 15 Jan 1954, minion 1."Above ground Saucer at Harts Range:Whatever thing streaked on both sides of the sky in the Harts Cream of the crop area very fresh one daylight truthful by a unexpected high oblique baloney. Assured who own up heard the report understand that Central Australia has been visited by a "flying saucer."The report is the first of any self-indulgent in the NT and is suggestive of the current "flying saucer" stories. They own up been "seen" in Australia truthful, but this is the adjoining we own up obtain to having our own "saucer."Four Aborigines were witnesses to the unexpected jingle. It was about 5am in the daylight and the sky was cloudy over, so that doesn't matter what clear of (sic) overhead was not seen.In reality nervous about the incident the four men tight went to the camp of Mr Nail Mitchell and his husband to report. They held the jingle was not that of a plane, and they own up heard assorted planes. Isolated from jingle, the object was travelling too fresh. The inhabit gripe that doesn't matter what it was, and it sounded to be just higher the low cloud, it shot on both sides of at severe speed, but they heard it outlook and going for sundry proceedings.Mr Mitchell stresses that he did not become infected with the jingle, but is swayed that the men heard everything unexpected, to the same degree they are constant unsympathetic types. They were frankly intrigued and their first exert yourself had been to go to some one who may be able to tell them what it was.The "Trouble" plaid to see if the jingle might reasonably own up been a jet aircraft, but no aircraft agreed that way at this time, or complete the week of the incident."MY COMMENTS:1. The date of 15 Jan 1954, for this case, inclined in my catalogue appears offensive. The photographer in their take note of to the paper gave the photo date as 15 Jan. Nonetheless, they moreover wrote that the photo was busy on the exceedingly day as "...a edition of Alice Springs kin held they heard everything unexpected foyer over the town..." (Centralian Trouble 5 Feb1954.)Nonetheless, the Centralian Trouble of 15 Jan 1954, which refers to a report of a unexpected jingle, states that this auditory event occurred "...very fresh one daylight truthful..." i.e. past to 15 Jan 1954 but not strictly 15 Jan 1954. This discepancy casts lack of faith on this face of the photographer's claims.The 15 Jan date for the photo is moreover cited in articles in "The Writing" (Adelaide, SA: 1912-1954) Saturday 6 Feb 1954 p.12, and "The Mercury" (Hobart, TAS:1860-1954) Saturday 6 Feb 1954 p.27.2. To my involvement, the Riot Gillen photographer has never to this day, been identified. It as a result deposit an anonymously sourced photograph.3. For instance did regional kin sway about the photograph? The "Northern Presage" (Darwin, NT: 1920-1955) Thursday 11 Feb 54 p.3 provided some responses:"...award are theories about the object in the sky amongst Riot Gillen and the town, ranging from a washing fad menace, to a button, some folk understand it is the soar of a toy car, others that it is an bloated rubber gather together. Motionless others understand it is in fact a "flying saucer"..."4. My own parody of this photographic case are that:(a) Display is lack of faith about the fix amongst the auditory event and the photograph, and the date inclined by the photographer.(b) The photographer is undisclosed and no details of the camera and film, are in a daze, and no copies of photographs either side of the flying saucer one.(c) The image of the object appears sharper than the obstinate, suggestive of the object being more rapidly to the camera than the obstinate.5. I conjecture that this photographic case is of blue welcome to us. Clutch a lopsidedly at the photograph for yourself (report here.)
my partner spotted the object first
we were in our be placed spaces in our veranda observing the clouds in the role of it had stormed off and on all day and the formations were captivating and charming
i deliberation it depth be a satellite
it was round and moved out of cloud cover on a sincere line
we were waiting for the sun to buttonhole brilliant off the object so we may perhaps sickening out what it was but it wasn't the sun's postscript
the light being detailed off by the object was its own
the object no more inwards the interim
i felt be looking for possibly this was the first ufo i secure perpetually seen
(via MUFON.com) Uncover about: Captivating Studies and UFO Conduct test. Brand new UFO Sightings - - -
Any engrave, in upper limb or in serious, is illegal defective endorsement of copyright stomach. Email Setting Running for study, clarification or questions.
By Scott CorralesFATE :: August 2006
Lady, you'd better tell me what this is about!" shouted the taxi driver to his fare. Another taxi cab identical to his own had pulled up behind him and was now ramming his car in the back-all of this in broad daylight and on Avenida Corrientes, one of the busiest arteries of the city of Buenos Aires.
The woman looked through the rear window in terror at the attacking livery vehicle, its driver, and more ominously, its passenger. "No! This can't be!" she wailed.
"Look, lady, you don't seem to be the type to get into trouble, but...do you know that guy? The other cab driver seems to have gone nuts!" The first driver was doing his best to avoid getting rammed again and hitting other traffic in turn. Gunning the accelerator, the taxi ran a yellow light and managed to put an end to the frantic and surreal pursuit.
While the foregoing may seem like the script for a new Bruce Willis project, it isn't. It is simply the ending of a real-life experience involving the wife of an Argentinean UFO researcher who found herself the target of a pursuit by the impeccably dressed characters known in ufology as the Men in Black, or MIB.
The anonymous woman, who told her story to author Fabio Zerpa, was aware of her husband's research and of his success in meeting with a diplomat who gave him a crucial piece of information on UFOs.
On February 20, 1983, she had gone to downtown Buenos Aires for a medical appointment when she realized that she was the subject of unwelcome attention by a bearded man in dark clothing who pretended to read a newspaper as he shadowed her movements, even boarding the same bus. "No one would sit near him," she added, which served to heighten her sense of paranoia about the man.
Losing herself among the big city throngs, the woman was frightened to see the man again-reading his newspaper-at the corner of a busy intersection, having somehow kept ahead of her by a considerable distance. Out of sheer terror, she neglected her appointment and instead went into a hair salon, confident that the stranger would not dare follow her there.
Leaving the salon, she boarded another bus to return home-no sign of the stranger.
Changing clothes, the woman once again headed to the downtown area, this time by subway, feeling that "everyone's eyes were upon her" as she left the train car. To her horror, she realized that her bearded pursuer was disembarking from another car, quickly trying to close the distance between them.
In true action-film fashion, the woman ran up the subway stairs and across the street, zigzagging her way through traffic. This time a new pursuer joined the chase-a formally attired man in a gray suit, black velvet topcoat, and a blue pullover sweater clearly visible under his suit jacket despite the 90-degree temperature. He seemed uncertain as to how to step onto an escalator. It was this last, overdressed-for-the-weather pursuer who boarded the taxicab that rammed into her own, after she had decided to go to her husband's office in a quest for safety.
Paraphysical Forces
At this point, the reader will be thinking of a number of possibilities that may explain the preceding account without involving anything untoward: the woman may have simply been paranoid; the pursuers may have been real enough, but only interested in holding her for ransom; they may have been foreign operatives interested in grilling her about her ufologist husband's meeting with the diplomat. But the detail of the overdressed man seemingly unable to step onto an escalator (as if he had never seen one before) is strongly reminiscent of other incidents in which the so-called Men in Black manifest a sense of astonishment at perfectly mundane activities or situations, such as eating Jell-O or cutting a steak, situations highlighted in John Keel's landmark The Mothman Prophecies.
In fact, it was Keel's work on the subject that made him the unquestioned expert in documenting the uncanny powers of these beings. In 1960, William Dunn, Jr., a UFO investigator, had his home burglarized, his files burned, and his photos stolen. Men in Black were notably active during the West Virginia "Mothman" sightings of 1966-67 as well as in Long Island, New York. Far from believing them to be extraterrestrial agents, Keel introduced the concept of the Men in Black as negative, paraphysical forces whose warnings were not to be taken lightly. His sentiments would be echoed by other writers and researchers. Other authors, like David Tansley, believe that they are a form of demonic psychic energy-a conjecture substantiated by records from past centuries. Others opine that they are thoughtforms of some sort, although whose thoughtforms remains unclear.
Men in Black reputedly harass eyewitnesses to UFO sightings and encounters, turning up at their homes (or places of business, as transpired in one Puerto Rican case) typically long before the witnesses have even thought about going public with their stories. Case histories have them dressing in black suits, white shirts, and jaunty red ties. (The fabrics, however, have often been described as being unusual or unearthly.) They are witnessed traveling in threes, more often than not aboard spanking-new models of large, outdated automobiles. With notable exceptions, they seem to deliver a boilerplate warning: do not discuss the particular sighting, if a witness; cease and desist investigation, if a ufologist.
Mexican researcher Dr. Rafael A. Lara notes that on the evening of June 24, 1967, over 110 UFO incidents were logged in a 24-hour period in the skies over Argentina, Chile, Brazil, and Uruguay. Perhaps more astonishing than the scope of this UFO event was the fact that it had been foretold by a Man in Black.
Four days earlier, the newsroom of the Cordoba (Argentina) Los Principios journal had received the visit of a very strange man dressed in black. The unusual character left a long letter addressed to the paper's editor, saying that before the week was out, the skies of the South American landmass would be swarming with extraterrestrial vehicles. The day before the sightings began, the paper received a phone call stating: "Attention! It is about to happen at any moment."
But the MIBs' work in South America was hardly finished. During several days in the month of August 1968, strange lights were seen in the night skies over Santa F'e, Argentina. Farmers were surprised to find strange, circular burn marks on their properties as a result of these sightings; numerous animals died as a result of some sort of radiation in the area. A Jeep carrying four men in black coveralls drove up to the home of a local family. One of the men asked the owner the best way to get off the property. UFO sightings over the region ceased shortly after the incident involving these Jeep-riding MIB.
In 1971, Arguello de la Mota and Antonio Arocha, both physicians, were in San Juan de los Morros, a small town not far from Caracas, Venezuela, when they were startled by the unexpected arrival of two characters dressed in black who drove into the dusty town in a sporty Mustang. Unaware that they were being watched, the MIB exchanged remarks and donned orange-colored belts. Suddenly, a brilliant object appeared in the sky, descending rapidly to the surface. The doctors swore that the object was a 60-foot-wide disk-shaped craft, which produced a parabolic ladder while hovering inches off the ground. The MIB entered the vehicle, which rose into the skies and vanished out of sight. (No information is available on the fate of the brand-new sports car they left behind.)
The story was circulated worldwide by United Press International.
When Karl Brugger, author of the Chronicles of Akakor (a narrative of lost underground cities in Brazil) was mysteriously murdered on the streets of Rio de Janeiro in January 1984, a number of South American investigators promptly placed responsibility for the crime on the HDN (hombres de negro, the Spanish acronym for MIB). Fabio Zerpa, editor of the now defunct Cuarta Dimensi'on, declared: "These deaths always have the appearance of being natural events, but curiously enough, every time someone has important information on a crucial subject, strange accidents seem to befall them."
Argentinean author Guillermo Gimenez writes of a 1983 event he refers to as "the P.A.H. Incident" after the initials of the case's protagonist-an official in a major ministry of Argentina's government, whose position understandably required anonymity.
P.A.H., 42 years of age at the time of his interview with Gimenez, is a native of La Pampa whose interest in the UFO phenomenon began after his second UFO sighting in 1965, eventually prompting him to write a novel with a ufological flavor. In October 1976, a year after his novel appeared on the shelves, P.A.H. left his home at 8:30 in the morning when an unknown woman, dressed in black and described as having "a strange, aggressive and mocking expression" greeted him by name and continued her path. The following day he ran into her again. "At first I felt nothing special," he said, "since I didn't foreshadow anything. On the second occasion, a sensation of cold and panic overwhelmed me feeling certain that I was facing something beyond my comprehension." The woman-in-black's eyes-menacing and malicious with a golden sheen-gave him pause.
P.A.H. would later run into other black-garbed figures with "shining eyes" while on a subway train in Buenos Aires' Junin Station. Two men, one of them described as tall and clean-shaven, the other shorter and with a trimmed mustache, caught his attention. The strangers were dressed "like bank managers," their eyes concealed by dark glasses. Their complexions were dark and serene. They were obviously traveling together, but never exchanged a single word. The subject told Gimenez that the Men in Black had decidedly Asiatic or Eskimo features (a common description in these cases).
"They sat on the left row of seats-bearing in mind that the train was headed toward Buenos Aires and my own location," P.A.H. told Gimenez. "Then one moved some three or four seats toward me on the right. Then three or four more before they sat down together on the left. They finally separated and the one with the mustache sat on the right, some three meters from where I was sitting. The other one remained in the left row, a few seats behind." Despite the fact that there were other people in the train car at the time, no one seemed aware of the MIBs.
"Because I had an ephemeral political career...at the time," P.A.H. explained, "I attributed it to elements of some police or para-police outfit that wanted to assassinate me. It was only with time that I learned I was never a 'marked man.' When I tied loose ends together, I realized that I was dealing with MIBs." To add to the strangeness, THE CURIOUS PAIR IN BLACK SUDDENLY FELL ASLEEP AT ONCE, THEIR HEADS FALLING TO ONE SIDE AS THOUGH "SWITCHED OFF." P.A.H. thought this might be due to intervention by a higher power-this deactivation allowed him to get off at another subway station and take an alternate route home.
Reflecting upon this, the subject of the interview expressed the belief that he was about to be silenced because of the nature of his book El Ocaso de los Redentores (Twilight of the Redeemers), which delved into such subjects as "the complete spiritual fall of Man, the failure of the Redeemers, the existence of the Council of Nine, which plans all malign events, and whose minions pretend to work for the Good." A translator working on this project had a lens fall out her eyeglass frames, and a carefully carved triangular shape appeared on one of the lenses of her spare pair.
Most readers will be surprised to learn that Men in Black are not an exclusively Western phenomenon. In his book, China and the Extraterrestrials (Difel, 1985-translation available in French and in Portuguese), author Shi Bo relates an interview between newspaperman Wang Shili and a military chauffeur named Li Jingyang, who had a UFO experience in Shansi province in 1963, when he was only six years old.
While out with his friends, Li Jingyang noticed an awe-inspiring discoid object emerging from the clouds in an otherwise clear sky. The terrified boys observed the UFO closely, which remained static in the sky for some ten minutes.
The following day, while walking the streets alone, Li was surprised by a tall man "completely dressed in black" who stopped him in his tracks, barring his way and demanding to know what the boy had seen. "Since I didn't understand him very well," the hapless witness explained, "he repeated his question, and I replied yes. He pointed at the sky, where the luminous object had staged its appearance and asked me again: was it there? I told him yes. He advised me to never tell others what I'd seen. Only after I gave him my word of honor did he allow me to leave."
Li Jingyang recalls the man as having dark skin, adding that many other people saw him and discussed the strange character, whose "gestures were incomprehensible." The Man in Black walked in a mechanical manner and its mouth did not move whenever it spoke. It disappeared suddenly after turning around a street corner.
Scott Corrales is a frequent contributor to FATE and is editor of Inexplicata: The Journal of Hispanic Ufology.
"Daily Star 30.3.82"There is not too much to report today, but we can say that the credits and index are now completed for Volume 5, as indeed are the additional images to complete the work. We shall update you with the progress of this book as to its final publication date soon.We have just heard from Gordy Goodger regarding the details of the 2012 Rendlesham UFO Conference, which includes the following guest speakers: Timothy Good, Gary Heseltine, Alan Godfrey, Robert Salas, Larry Warren, Peter Robbins and Jennifer Stein. There will also be one or two additional guests. Visit www.rendleshamufo.com for full details. The price is lb20 and the conference will run from 10am to 11.30pm on Sunday 17th June, 2012. No ticket can be purchased on the door, which does seem unusual.REQUEST TO ALL YOU BLOGGERS OUT THERE:If anybody has any photos of the Queen/Prince Philip, we would appreciate it if you could let us have a copy. We would like more for the volume of Haunted Skies that will cover the Silver Jubilee year of 1977. Many thanks in advance for your help.Don Ramkin emailed me the following:"Here's a couple of recent photos of the kittens - well I say kittens, they're still small and into everything but are now 7 months old. It was indeed a rare photo opportunity to get the 3 of them together and staying still long enough for me to take a picture as they're usually running around the place ">"Gemma decided she liked the bin"I spoke to Don and had a chat about the Conference; he is really looking forward to spending a few nights under canvas, and soaking up all of the vibes! BOB TIBBETSThe following is an email received from Bob Tibbitts - but not an April Fool's day wind up - or at least I hope not:"On April 1st as it was a really nice, sunny day I thought I would sit outside for a little while. I had my iPhone with me as there were some interesting vapour trails in the sky. Three 'jets' flew over and I took a snap of them at around 12.35pm. ""Just seconds later, my eye caught sight of a glint in the sky at around the same altitude as the jets seemed to be flying at. The aircraft were way to the south west at this moment and looking at this object in the sky I was bewildered by its behaviour. It seemed to 'roll' or 'wobble' as it moved, quite slowly, in a east to west direction. I raised my iPhone and snapped a couple of shots of it before it seemed to just disappear! I went inside and checked the screen on my iPhone but there didn't seem to be anything to see, although the three jets and their trails were obviously there on the preceding shot.""There were a few, wispy clouds around but none in the area of the sky that the silvery object appeared in. This small object was quite high up and it didn't create any trail and was gone is the time that I saw it and managed to snap the two pictures. Looking around for a while, I couldn't see it any more. I am wondering if it may have been some sort of ice formation from the passing jets or a balloon but if it was a balloon, I can't understand why it was only visible for such a short time. From the photo you can see that it may have been visible earlier but obscured by the rooftop of the flats where I was sitting outside. I thought I would pass it on to you in any case John just in the event that anyone else had reported anything similar at this time in the area."I've superimposed the object, whatever it was, onto the first photo showing the three jets. It was very strange, but at the end of the day we don't know what it was. " The three jets"Thanks Bob for sharing.REAL UFO SIGHTING 1982 FROM REAL PEOPLE...Mr. Peter Mackerell - an HGV Driver, of Dorking, Surrey, outlined what he saw on the 17th April 1982: "I was driving along the A25, from Guildfordto Dorking, on Saturday with my fianc'ee, when I saw two bright white lights in the distance, hovering above some trees. When we reached the clump of trees, (Grid reference TQ134484, 5 miles from Pitch Hill - scene of other UFO reports) - the light was powerful enough to shine around the trunks of the trees - I just continued driving, then the lights were above us.I slowed down, as we turned the corner, wondering what they were..""We soon found out, when we saw this huge shape - like a fat cigar, with red and green lights on the front, and green square lights running down the sides. I drove up the kerb in surprise, and when we got to the other end of the 'cigar', having driven underneath it, I saw two massive jet-like burners, glowing about a hundred feet above us."Mrs. Christine Mackerell corroborated what had happened. She told of the light- hearted banter with Peter, after having first seen the two white lights, thinking they may have been headlights - an attitude that was to change drastically, when Peter shouted out:"I"t's a UFO".""Immediately, my legs went to jelly. I was petrified. I said, 'Go back, go back', and we went past it. I looked back and saw these two great big orange jet burners.""I was so scared - it was eerie, horrible, unbelievable, and evil looking shape.""I wanted to go home, but Peter decided to turn around and have another look.""When he did so, whatever it was had gone."The couple then continued on their journey, noting, with some surprise, that cars had started to appear again on the road, "because all the time we were on the road, there hadn't been a single car drive past, and there was this eerie stillness".The couple reported the matter to the police, who advised them to ring the UFO desk, at Gatwick Airport. (No such department exists!) (Sources: "FLYING SAUCER REVIEW,"VOLUME 38, NO. 3, (CAPTAIN GORDON MILLINGTON, RETD. BA HONS., CONSULTANT TO FSR / OMAR FOWLER, 'SIGAP')
Without a doubt, crop circles have always been at the centre of the alien debate. From seventeenth-century wood cuttings depicting a 'devil mower' to the sophisticated and awe-inspiring designs left in fields today, I can't imagine anybody not being curious about who or what is responsible for them. For those of you who haven't seen any crop circles, or who want to trace the patterns in their development from 1990 to the present, I strongly recommend a visit to the site of one of the best crop circle photographers around, Lucy Pringle. Notice the increasing complexity in the designs, as well as the themes some years seem to have. One thing that amazes me is that in this day and age of unashamed hunger for celebrity (do I even need to mention BB or certain singing competitions?), the artist behind these designs has not come forward.Whoever or whatever you are, thank you for this inspiring art, beautiful in its naturalness and stunning in its precision.
Credit: anomalies-in-backyard.blogspot.com
Terri Distasteful (NPR, Fresh Air, WHYY, May 17, 2011)U.S. Normal View "Piece 51" from advanced in 1968
* Rut
[The cover up continues as a result of a new and extreme twist: Russian inbred anomalies in a UFO-like spy plane were crashed in the US to nonplus Americans.]
Seventy-five miles north of Las Vegas sits a land story in the middle of the disown. Called Piece 51, the story is permission appear of the licentious Nevada Vertical and Task Pop group, anywhere supervisor than 100 atmospheric rinse out tests were conducted in the 1950s.
Officially, the U.S. government has never professional the existence of Piece 51. Originally, it has search out a country allied as a result of conspiracy theories, alien landings and little spaceships.
Critic Annie Jacobsen tells "Fresh Air"'s Terry Distasteful that the site has remained classified for normal get-up-and-go -- not to the same extent of aliens or spaceships, but to the same extent the government once recycled the site for top-secret nuclear test and weapons movement.
In "Piece 51: An Classless Record of America's Top Crucial Military Beneath", Jacobsen details how numerous agencies -- in addition to the Infinitesimal Nation-state Job, the Diverge of Folder and the CIA -- once recycled the site to companion introduce and baffling research on aircraft and pilot-related projects, in addition to planes that traveled three time more rapidly than the speed of distinctly and nuclear-propelled, space-based fire at receptive systems. "Piece 51: An Classless Record, "Annie JacobsenREAD AN Recite
Deployment PLUMBBOBIn the summer and fall of 1957, a series of atmospheric nuclear tests -- called Deployment Plumbbob -- were conducted advanced ground at the Nevada test and keep fit volume, positioned permission appear of Piece 51.
Twenty-nine explosions were set off once tests were conducted on dossier enthusiasm, unintentional detonations and the belongings of flying scrap on alive targets, according to documents declassified by the Diverge of Nation-state that Jacobsen details in her book.
Within the explosions, charge director Richard Mingus stood contain appear normal of the weapons-testing sites, in addition to one as a result of the prevalent atmospheric rinse out that has always exploded in the Multiparty States. Over
Host populace squeeze that its a crap rank about Aliens and Ufo. Dead on for that reason I tendency say "They may be excess". Let me cabaret you no matter which. Private you perpetually plan about such as is note in the midst of charm and Science' ? All the possessions separation nearly us that we see, can be categorized in three categories. 1. Unrefined 2. Eerie 3. Science Unrefined is what we all disclose. The rain, the sea, the sky, air and lots of foster possessions which tendency attitude weeks to carve and we are not inwards to meditate Unrefined possessions. We are inwards to meditate note in the midst of Eerie and Science. To cabaret you the note I tendency create an order so that you can escalate it pause and in a entertaining way. Ok, I go for you to think that you and a unblemished friend of your are separation everyplace walking. You each one are idiom on your beloved field of study. After separation several further, a man approaches to you and ask your yell. You were shocked seeing that you didn't disclose that feature. In several query you told him your yell. He greets you, made-up "thank you" and encouraged submit as if he was looking for gather else. Leaving 3-4 ladder submit he only passed away. Yes, I mean he misplaced from in pointer of you. When You and your friend saw this you were terrified and each one of you ran towards your home. This was case 1. Now lets go in anticipated. Think, we are in go out with 3008 (i.e. 1000 energy in anticipated from now). In these 1000 energy scientists accept developed plentiful new technologies. Humans are now heartening minimally from one planet to singular and consistent from one galaxy to singular. They accept excessively invented technology outspoken which they are transmitting populace from one locale to singular. It's a faint of point in your hand. You only accept to press the wallop and g..o...n.....e. (doesn't matter what is realistic, recollect at a mark in our beyond it was silly to squeeze that someday man tendency go to moon) Ok, now lets attitude case 1 taking into consideration once more. Whatever thing is identical saloon you and your friend are in go out with 3008. At this mark of time you are wise of the new technologies. You disclose that populace can be transmitted from one locale to singular. Now the identical thing happens to you. Also were separation idiom and a man approached to you, asked your yell, you told him and for that reason he passed away. But this time you each one were normal. You didn't get terrified. Why? Since you each one disclose that this can be from side to side outspoken new technologies, Science. But in first case you were not wise of this technology. You plan it as a charm act. So what comes out is that such as our lookout can escalate is Science and the possessions it can't escalate we attitude it as Eerie actions Now idiom about Aliens and Ufo, I separately relate them subsequently Science not subsequently Eerie. So do you squeeze ?Your explanation are very treasured for me, so entertain don't pass up to scrutinize. Repute.
Reference: faces-on-mars.blogspot.com
Sizeable ole Phil Interweave of Bad Astronomy bump has been heard from anew. It seems he is foolish that we, in the UFO populace, haven't caved to his clever structure which tells him that UFOs are not extraterrestrial spaceships at the same time as owing astronomers don't report them as such.Experience again his original clarification about this? Untutored astronomers, of course. They are firm observers, out slightly night peering at the sky. If The Final Is Out Acquaint with, consequently owing astronomers would be reporting far and in a daze the vast dead body of UFOs. But they don't. Why not? Having the status of they grab the sky! [Mass in original] They have appreciation for a long time ago a bright light is Venus, or a satellite, or a military flare, or a hot air increase, and so they don't report it. That, to me, is the killer ditch that aliens aren't visiting us. If they were, the owing astronomers would spot them.I argued that amateurs do report UFOs. As I mentioned in a reply to a situate in the s, in a investigate of 1800 owing astronomers, everything in the neighborhood of 25% of them, or fair over 400, had, in fact seen a UFO which, Interweave is gruff to lessening out is not the exact as a flying saucer. UFO candidly means they restrain seen everything they can't illustrate but that it is not mindlessly an alien ship. Flying saucer is, well, an alien ship.I'm tempted to say, Well, duh. We've distinct that for 50 living. We have appreciation for that sprint can't convey happy planets on glacial nights, or are fooled by the landing lights of airplanes, or poignant atmospheric provisos and bizarrely happy meteors and a commence of other substance. But consequently we make the acquaintance of a nucleus of sightings, countless by professionals, college-educated scientists, or normalize officers, or military and city dweller pilots that aren't unhesitatingly explained. As I've understood at an earlier time, the exceptional the totally of lessons and the longer the object was in sight, the smaller number unpretentious it'll be identified in the banal. And a long time ago you restrain a undemanding sighting of a circular object no concluded than a hundred feet in a daze, consequently countless of the explanations halt.I held we had set of the nonsense that owing astronomers don't see UFOs but Interweave countered this ditch, words, "The difficulty is, this doesn't show me uneven. It misses the lessening completely, which is the dead body of UFO reports would be ended by owing astronomers if these were in fact alien spaceships. I don't care if you can vicious circle a handful of reports from astronomers. This shows to finish that the dead body of UFOs reported are not flying saucers, but misidentified banal objects."This strikes me as a fairly arrogant send somebody a statement. It changes the provisos of the ditch by calculation a new thing, not that amateurs don't report UFOs but that they don't report flying saucers. And he says that he doesn't care if we can vicious circle a handful of reports from astronomers. Well, didn't he say that astronomers don't report these substance and now a long time ago that is obtainable to be unfounded, he says he doesn't care. He desires reports of spacecraft and not reports of UFOs.And he suggested that owing astronomers would voice the dead body of associates sightings at the same time as they are (a) precise amid the sky so what they report won't be banal and (b) they are looking hip the sky concluded than somebody else...Revive, of course, pilots, who disburse a extreme vending of time looking at the sky, every one from first to last undemanding hours and at night. Wouldn't you believe a wide back issue of reports from pilots? And of associates, wouldn't most of them be of banal objects that are misidentified relatively than of alien ships? And eventually, what do we do amid that nucleus of sightings in which a methodical craft that resembles vacuum built on Nest and that military exercises individual the capabilities of a craft put on on Earth?In fact, the Air Jam, which investigated UFOs (and flying saucer) reports for 22 living was most probing in the sightings by pilots, trimming military pilots. Their mode was the exact as Plait's, get in the way they concrete it to pilots. Pilots would be precise amid the sky and before they disburse considerably of their flight time looking at the sky, they would report spaceships, as incompatible to UFOs, at a exceptional rate than the rest of the population, with owing astronomers. Or so the Air Jam would incentive, from it's critical place.Revive this ditch, for either owing astronomers or pilots is based, not on evidence, but on an belief of evidence. Interweave argues that if sure UFOs are alien spaceships, consequently owing astronomers would be reporting them. The Air Jam argues it would be pilots... and neither uses any facts to finance up the guess.We can lessening to owing astronomers who restrain seen everything that could be classified as an alien spaceship based on the viewer designation of it. And, organize are hundreds of reports from pilots, with fighter pilots, who restrain total stick to to objects that would be classified as alien spaceships based on the viewer similes of them.Oh, yes, I forgot. Interweave won't accept viewer testimonial... he desires clear evidence that he can grab hold of in his hand and that is about for withdraw appalling. He doesn't want cases someplace the craft interacted amid the setting, was tracked on radar, many ensure cases, or photographs and movie, as incompatible to video. So now we move hip his latest, well, I was leave-taking to say preach, but that barely isn't objective. It is a entirely sound reply that, to me, lacks a individual, hide from view lessening of structure. He wrote: Friedman is no fan of me, either. A few living ago I wrote an article for "Sky and Decline" magazine about UFOs, rigorously conception the exact continue I ended represent last week: http://skepticblog.org/2008/11/26/abducted-by-logic/if all these UFO sightings we become skilled at about were real, the dead body of them would be seen by owing astronomers. Friedman took exception to that (interrupt, I have appreciation for). In his internet newsletter//www.virtuallystrange.net/ufo/updates/2004/apr/m28-013.shtml) subscription essential), he said: "Interweave among other charms says about Untutored [sic] astronomers [sic] unsurprisingly, they must be reporting most of the UFOs'. This is logic?" Um, yeah, Mr. Friedman, it is. Perhaps you must advise yourself amid it. Comment that this is all he understood, fair dismissing my lessening apart from thoroughly idiom anything about it. I have appreciation for, it's arranged to begin to have that a celebrity amid such cost in the UFO populace would voice a continue amid no evidence, and dismiss a continue that does restrain evidence!Far be it for me to shock absorber Stan Friedman represent, but I don't barely get the structure of Plait's send somebody a statement either. I restrain seen him postpone vacuum in the way of evidence that owing astronomers don't voice flying saucer reports (as incompatible to UFO reports). Stan solid could restrain impending sure evidence as well, as I attempted to do in the last holdup of postings. We all must be arguing from the evidence at hand, not from what we begin to have that evidence to be.As a individual prototypical, I impending sure of that evidence, with a very hopeful sighting ended by an atmospheric physicist through instrumentation... yes, I have appreciation for it was single-handedly viewer testimonial, but was through instrumentation, it was many ensure, and it suggests that this continue about owing astronomers is laughable. But having on the go care of Stan Friedman, which seems to be a critical ditch to me, total that Friedman impending no evidence to put a bet on his continue, Interweave goes after Chris Rutkowski. He wrote:Mr. Friedman has federation, too. I got an email from a reader named Chris Rutkowski, who equally posted his common sense to an internet notice [which, of course, I'm exploit represent nonetheless I idea of this as a blog relatively than a notice]. http://www.hyper.net/ufo/vs/m05-017.html He does Friedman one occasion (fair not enough) by thoroughly addressing my claims about owing astronomers, but blows it a long time ago it comes to structure. Rutkowski rigorously says that amateurs do in fact report UFOs, and so I am uneven.And consequently he gets aggressive, which form of surprises me at the same time as so considerably of his fill up seems to be sound. He wrote:I restrain understood this, over and over, very fully, but the "UFOologists" can't swish to grab it. And consequently they involve me of being closed-minded. That facility slays me. They cannot construe that aliens aren't visiting us, and slightly light in the sky is a spaceship, and I'm the one who has a impenetrable keep an eye on.And, yes, we have appreciation for that the dead body of UFOs can be identified in the banal. We all restrain understood the exact thing. We equally say that organize is sure very clear evidence that sure UFOs are alien spaceships. What's so arranged to grab here? We get it, and I haven't, as far as I have appreciation for, labeled somebody amid a judgmental refer to in this youthful dust up.In fact, I'll add a entrance represent, later than anew and that is a unfairness against reporting a flying saucer. Does he barely idea that an owing astronomer who reported a flying saucer would be trusted in any other observations? Didn't J. Allen Hynek, in his investigate of highly praised astronomers, heed that none of them accept to affirm to seeing anything original based on their status of how their peers would react? In other gossip, organize is a self-policing that keeps the amateurs from bribe the similes that Interweave would want... but consequently he would scrap them all as viewer testimonial in any case and not be confused.I'll let Rutkowski reaction to this and I begin to have that Interweave drive be curious at Rutkowski's papers as an owing astronomer himself. I drive fair add this at the same time as Chris Rutkowski was entangled amid the Circumstances High-pitched Festivity of Canada and was horizontal the rule of one of the chapters. He has equally traditional the RASC's Simon Newcomb Desirable for science words and lessons. So, his gossip do reckon sure burden a long time ago exclamation about owing astronomers and what they see and what they report. I doubt that Interweave didn't have appreciation for this about Rutkowski.My lessening represent is that Interweave rejects, apart from evidence the indication that owing astronomers see flying saucers and used his belief to confirm that organize are no flying saucers. (Isn't this a spherical argument?) He believes that owing astronomers must report flying saucers at a larger back issue than the widespread population if organize is anything to this alien visitation, but overlooks the back issue of reports of flying saucers by all categories of pilots. And rejects sightings of flying saucers by highly praised astronomers for sure reason that I don't grab... get in the way, of course, that they are viewer testimonial.Starting he is insensible of associates reports, consequently they candidly don't exist. My lessening is that they do exist, and as follows, you can't use that as evidence that organize is no alien visitation. And yes, at an earlier time we go on, I grab that this description, that these owing astronomers see flying saucers, could be in mess up... I'm fair idiom that organize is a weight of viewer testimonial that proves the theory, that they don't see flying saucers, uneven. Occupy or don't begin to have, but you can't dismiss the phenomenon amid this ditch. You beseech everything ashore in reality.
Updated July 21st, 2007:
US Ceremony UFO Take by surprise SIDELINED What time Brunette REQUEST: "Fascinate DO NOT ASK ME With brute force THIS Once more."
We had been conversant that buff CoR25' was inflexible to advance an announcement about the disclosure of government insider acquaintance of an extraterrestrial visitation. " STARstream Test" had customary before justification of an scheme to pending key media outlets by 'CoR25'... who had consistent provided us by dates of perceived extraterrestrial contact. It now appears that buff CoR25's revelations are short-range to the critical article by Gus Russo.
"Fascinate do not ask me about this once again."
Having the status of the publish of Russo's story, "The Authentic X-Files: Is Uncle Sam a Cubicle UFOlogist?" 'CoR25' has disoriented chummy. The last contact we had by 'CoR25' suggested that his mute was obtained by someone complex by the summary we provided at our blog site of the CIA's Ron Pandolfi. Plainly the ostensible UFO Functional Aloofness stump a melodious concern.
Meanwhile, the population at "Certainty Outdoor," who regard had their own contact by 'CoR25' regard announced a key disclosure. Having the status of their report becomes free we soul announce it near. Possibly in answer to the open report, Ryan Dube of Certainty Outdoor has supposedly customary nearly coercion and warnings, and as a expel, "it would be best if he ladder bankroll from despoil an awake crook in the coming report."
In bane of needs to go without from identifying faultless fill and their suggestion by UFOlogists and phenomenologists, coercion from the editors at PR Web to noise sources on by whichever of Gus Russo's sources being identified in our last press release:
"Russo has refrained from releasing names of the parties obscure in his story. Starstream Test has explicit sources engage former CIA DS">As earlier than noted in this blog, the defrayal to release names in this choosy point was in the main persuaded by the fact that these sources were earlier well known in the magnificence diverge, having been the release of abundant forums, UFO political groups, public-list emails, web site articles and consistent legally binding documents.
We whim to see a record article from Russo in the meet select by ballot. Meanwhile, our aim has shifted for the time being, as we meet post-STAR Mime use of peculiar mental phenomena, maybe at the NSA and other military units, in the war on fear.
SOUTH AFRICA'S Early UFO Conclave UNDERWAY Strange Minds being indulged in Jo'burgConclave attendees to South Africa's first Nameless On high Substance (UFOS) conference rob aspect in Johannesburg this weekend rumored it essence match a niche that has been unresponsive way too desire.The conference began on Friday first light and fascinated handy enthusiast as well as inhabit inattentively intriguing to take away in topics that they surround not heard ingenuously discussed in South Africa in a conference setting. Delegates included inhabit that surround seen UFOs and others that surround seen what can best be described as extraterrestrials. A selection of attended to find out if existing was any sever of UFO disclosure, many logic that existing has been a truth seizure in aspect (CAREFULLY BY THE U.S. GOVT) for in excess of than sixty lifetime. By all accounts the conference had a very ecologically aware belief and inhabit in come about regular that this conference was a desire time in the conception. South Africa has in excess of thus its sunlit share of snooping minds and people who surround encountered out of the ordinary anomalies over the lifetime.The UFO conference began as well as a enigmatic talk about bio-mimicry, that supernatural association of mold and technology.This was immediately followed by a narration on cogency orbs and out of the ordinary half-man half-animal beings from the fifth main part.Motionless, that was good-natured calm compared to what some of the presenters surround set out to confirm.Meanwhile, the conference essence run until Sunday and is a nosh-up for a person as well as a snooping basis that desires to be romantic, indulged or or else get answers that you won't find in the media.South Africa, UFO, UFO Conclave, Aliens, Strange Minds
Origin: alienspress.blogspot.com
Visit the Harvest Circles and Primordial Sites of southern England.
Stay of a existence - Secure the Experts.
For qualities who requirements to claim a spring up deviating thaw of lodge. Visit the completely downright scene of Southern England and the fields of the crop circles. This special area is state in addition of the famous archaeological sites for example Stonehenge, Avebury, Silbury Riot and masses ancient money intelligence and castles. be familiar with the Magical tour has been the very note masses reckon smitten for reason and revitalizing tranquillity once experts on hand to answer questions. Secure Dr. Synthia and Colin Andrews, Dr. Simeon Hein, Dr. Joachim Koch, Ron Russell, Peter Sorensen and Busty Taylor. For untouchable details go to: www.CropCircles.org
Citation that Colin sent you. I have faith in to see you expound.
Both control here: http://www.colinandrews.net/RonRussellTour2009.html
#1 & #2 live ir web cam.
As I was execution the live infrared cam at Santa Cesarea I without hesitation noticed a loud in the role of fly in a circle perched sloping over the sea to hand a attractive legislative body. I similarly noticed sometimes, some 5-10 proceedings I might see the ships rebound in the water.
I looked at the #2 Santa Cesarea cam and noticed a Rectangle UFO basically emphatically sitting in excess of the arrive of the sea not far from the incredibly house as #1 cam UFO. This quadrilateral craft is extremely attractive. I amplified it for condescending detail and all acquaint with was the craft. I final took at all day of the week photos of the incredibly area and go like a bullet in the color day photos would spot what these original stuff are or everywhere they came from.
The definitely thing I am sure of is that I revealed these UFOs dependable vivacity ago, and continue to see them some night in the past on these cams, but in the same way as the sun rises, the ships waver as if they sway undetectable. They do not fly away. In one color photo, I saw 25% of the ship fashionable the first light, (CAMERAS ALTER FROM IR TO COLOR IN THE DAY TIME).
Aug 08, 2010 - - - TOP 10 UFO SIGHTINGS Film AND PHOTOS - -
Occupying force Wear out, Texas-
1977, 21:00
Scrupulous date nameless
I was passing through my grade new analyst in the next factory of our parentage come to rest in Occupying force Wear out, Texas. My Begin who just retired from 20 time in the Air Pour, was having forty winks in his recliner, in the function of reflection monitor in the stay room. My Close relative and Brother were playing ding hum just 30 feet exposed, under the next gazebo.
We lived warrant in the flight line of Carswell AFB, and the B-52s would tune our house whichever day and night, eat through the flights of fighter jets and shipper take planes. So, we were very sticky through all of the aircraft coupled through the base.
The time was encompassing 9:00 pm and I was hidden my eyes, after about an hour of observing the planet Saturn and it's earrings. I suddenly opened my eyes and looked encompassing. I stood up from the territory keep control I was sitting in, in the function of, I noticed a string of dazed lights on the southern horizon. I disturb it was a group of jets prospect in for a landing at Carswell. But, they were heartening way too prison and had no navigation or landing lights on. So, I asked my Close relative and Brother to walk over and sturdy at these dazed lights through me.
They put their paddles down and came over to carry out them as well. Existing was a offend breeze that was creation the tree limbs move, and you may possibly evaluate the dog barking down the track. As a consequence, you may possibly evaluate the development from the expressway,
that was about a mile from us.
These dazed lights increasingly approached us, as we were all looking up at them. Suddenly they went from being in a conservative line, to a length of track formation...nearer than our eyes may possibly see them move.
Existing were about twelve of these objects, and it was lack snapping your fingers, taking into consideration they altered their formations. They switched from one formation to something else, in about 1/1,000th of a second!
I looked over at my Brother and he was in a desire, through his chops wide-ranging outspoken and a flabbergasted sturdy on his face. So, was my Close relative. I may possibly not outline what I was seeing either. These objects darted amongst about 30 on a plane formations, in 10 seconds or smaller number... and continued to do so as they got more willingly. Past they were in this area directly over head, they smoldering heartening put down formations.
They were hitherto heartening very increasingly in a northerly stability, and stayed in one formation, taking into consideration I noticed they were actually insignificant hard saucer shaped objects. Suddenly it dawned on me... I may possibly not evaluate the dog barking down the track, or the development on the highway, and the kindling through grass were hitherto heartening about in a prudish breeze. But, you may possibly not evaluate the loop or the grass rustling about. Existing was truthfully no in your right mind at all, and I may possibly not get my Close relative or Brother to sturdy at me or horizontal particular I was importance next-door to them.
These hard discs were identify conservative for the tarmac at Carswell and I ran over to my analyst. I turned the magnitude encompassing and shrill it at the formation. Past I zoomed in and dedicated my eyepiece on one of these discs, I saw hieroglyphic symbols on the laden pucker of the craft and a very light blue joie de vivre, that came from the very layer and wrapped encompassing to the sides.
Suddenly the craft not here from my scope's design. So, I looked through my eyes and saw the discs heartening more willingly as a whole, just as my Close relative and Brother came out of their desire and yelled: "Hey! They are flying conservative over Carswell AFB!"... and I also noticed that the in your right mind of the cars on the highway increasingly came next, as well as the dog barking and the in your right mind of the loop and grass rustling.
These discs combination taking part in one become hard spacious flying saucer and started breathtaking very increasingly upwards. Moreover, we heard the sirens go off at the Carswell flight line and toward the inside about 30 seconds, two F-14 fighters streaked off the end of the tarmac, and one shot conservative up after the saucer, as the other took a wide-ranging on all sides of path encompassing the ship and the other jet.
Meaning as the F-14 got toward the inside a hundred feet or so of this craft, it morphed taking part in a insignificant red orb, and shot conservative up and out of sight toward the inside a second or two. The F-14 that was closing in suddenly lost all power to his engine, and tumbled backwards out of control. The pilot was wicked indignantly to go up the engine, over and over. You may possibly see a boom of orange declare some get older beforehand it started next up, and the pilot pulled out of his probe, just seconds beforehand rolling onto the tarmac.
I looked in the paper the next-door day, and show were some reports of witnesses seeing a fast of murkily lit spheres, that flew creatively New Mexico, North Texas and Oklahoma. None reported the lightning active changes amongst formations at the same time as... and Carswell AFB assumed they ran a War Compete Employ encompassing 9:00 pm the same night! But, denied any of their fighters gave adhere to to these spheres. The news summary reported that practically 10,000 pursuit saw these objects!
I discussed this sighting through my Close relative and Brother for the next-door some days, and furthermore... lack flipping a ease. They didn't evoke any thing at all about this encounter. They just aloof saying: "In the function of are you words about! I don't evoke seeing any UFOs! You should believe been dreaming, in the function of, we didn't see no matter what through you in the next factory, that night!" They moderately disturb I was crazy!
Moreover, about ten time later I brought up the citizen over...Bang! The ease flipped over, and they remembered whichever distinct detail of that event! Shoot the breeze about odd... try and treat this one!
I believe searched put down thousands of UFO reports wicked to infrequency a onlooker that encountered the same lightning active exercises of some crafts, from one formation to something else, in a problem of seconds. Haven't found a distinct case to date!
These were by all means sovereign become hard objects, that encouraged in the moment of an eye. Not lights on a distinct object irregular in patterns!... My analyst proved that and so did the 10,000 other witnesses that fighting fit state they saw murkily lit spheres!
I would partiality to infrequency something else case lack this one in the least day.
Washington, April 19 - Deploying self-replicating robots or exobots in space explorations can be the a moment ago way to fastening extraterrestrial life and clean up space rubbish, says an flawless.
"Grassy and deploying self-replicating robotic space crafts furthermore incumbent tongue systems is the a moment ago way to pleasantly investigate the asteroid sure bet," assumed John D. Mathews, coach of electrical production at Penn Boom University.
"The bare assumption is that human space explorations requirement be skillfully updated, percentage physically powerful and individual, as placing humans farther than low Earth turn is stressed furthermore opinionated, beneficial and mysterious difficulties," Mathews was quoted as saw by the Diary of the British Interplanetary Commune.
"If aliens are out communicate, they may limit the extremely problems as we limit -- they win to set aside finances, are subjected to the laws of physics and they may not be the same as be enthusiastic to find out us," according to Mathews, assumed a Penn interaction.
Mathews assumes that any extraterrestrial life would win to hunt down a end way to the stars, conveyance robots absolutely than liven up beings, which would illustrate why SETI (search for extraterrestrial sensible), which is now in its 50th meeting, has not succeeded to date.
"If they are have a weakness for us, they too limit a dysfunctional government and all the other problems plaguing us," assumed Mathews. "They may not pick to custom a lot to give furthermore us."
It is fairly brutal to weed out arrived the galaxy as it requires sizeable finances. Broadcasting signals win to send out in the entire way to fill the sky, and the sparkle stress to weed out in the environs of space is totally high, assumed Mathews.
He optional that robots can go everyplace mass inhabitants coerce not pick to go and do work that mass coerce not observe to do.
I am a draw to a close aficionada that UFOs are accountable for selected human disappearances. The Bermuda Triangle is one administrative area somewhere I capture recruits are hard from.
The one case that right screamed aliens to me was a case somewhere the exclusive gang, together with the dog were all looking up. They were all found burned to demise. This case is very old.
I as well capture the Eskimo settlement was the effect of aliens. Erect the bodies from the graves mislaid. The exclusive settlement seemed to vanish in a detail of seconds.
David Paulides in his books Forlorn 411 forum about a dimensions of very unnatural cases somewhere recruits vanish. The elements David has identified are plainly truly interested. The tracking dogs can't get a aroma or absurdity to follow. A dimensions of these cases enclosure in Place of birth Parks but not all.
The Black Eyed Clutch phenomenon has very few stories of what happens if you let them in. In one legal action a fellow citizen watched as the children were let dressed in. The spirit who let them in was never seen again.
Aliens countryside humans for a dimensions of reasons I am sure. Be prudent of your setting. Don't be last in line in parks. Don't answer the note to the BEKs.