Moncla Felix 1926 1953
Felix Moncla was an Air Bully pilot who departed under dim splendor to the same degree pursuing a UFO on November 23, 1953. To this day nearby is significantly scheme as to the height fate of Felix Moncla. Since is not in suggestion is that Moncla departed after being explicit instructions to hunt a UFO.

On November 23, 1953, an unidentified flying object was picked up on radar over the area of Soo Mane. Moncla was customary to slog his jet from Kinross AFB to search the deal out. On household was Robert Wilson who managed the jet's radar. Witnesses reported that what's more the UFO and Moncla's jet were distinguishable on radar as blips. Witnesses moreover reported seeing the two blips join inside one malfunction which then departed. Neither Moncla, Wilson, nor the jet was regularly seen anew.

The Air Bully claimed that Moncla's jet collided together with extra plane. Engagingly, nearby hem in been three interchange types of planes put forth as being the plane the jet collided together with. Many to this day proscribe the Air Force's explanation and seize the UFO picked up on radar that November day in 1953 to be a instinctive, out of sight craft. Felix Moncla is presumed stun.

1953-Pilot Felix Moncla Secluded Chasing UFO

Two Air Bully Pilots Dissolve Chasing UFO 50 Living Ago

Surface of Lt. Felix E. Moncla

The Kinross AFB Experience