A Look Back Belgiums Ufo Crisis
Alarmed Belgians started to report disc-like objects in the sky on November 25, 1989. These were later believed to be the result of an elaborate nightclub show, but that didn't change the fact that UFO fever had hit the European nation in a big way. THE "CASE" A black isosceles triangle (shown above) with dancing lights was first spotted by a pair of police officers. No military activity in the region caused the sighting and ultimately, an estimated 13,500 people witnessed the event. Other witnesses of the object claimed that they heard a sound that resembled the noise that a ventilator makes. They also believed that an object similar to a turbine was spinning behind the apparent alien spacecraft. SOBEPS, the largest UFO organization in Belgium, released at least two volumes detailing the incidents. ALTERNATIVE THEORY While it may be disappointing to individuals who put a great deal of stock into the Belgian triangles, at least one scientist argued that the original sighting was caused by exhaust. A pollution cloud coming from a nearby power facility might very well have radiated enough heat to warp the air. Anyone driving on a hot road has seen what heat can do to one's vision. The lights, for that matter, might very well have come from a smokestack. Regardless of what caused them, the triangles did cause quite a stir in the small country at the time. What are your thoughts on UFO's in general? Is there enough evidence that alien crafts are visiting Earth on a regular basis? I remain skeptical however If I were to personally see something in the sky resembling the image above, I have to admit I'd most certainly be alarmed (at the very least). Alas, to date I have yet to personally see a real-life UFO despite the many hours I've spent examining the night sky over the years. Perhaps someday I'll catch a glimpse of something that is worth investigating further. Until then, I'll continue to indulge my fascination with all the other great things going on "up there". Have a great weekend everyone!Additional Learning Resources: * UFO series proves something is out there - well, maybe(mysanantonio.com)
* Military plane mistaken for UFO in College Park(wjla.com)
* Over 1/3 of Americans Believe in UFOs, Study Says(abcnews.go.com)
* Undersea object probably not a UFO(upi.com)
* Roswell, Other Famous UFO Claims Get a Fresh Look(space.com)
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