Again Why Cave Art And Did Other Worldly Agents Bring It About

SECRETS OF THE ICE AGE: THE Formation OF THE Indentation ARTISTS by Evan Hadingham [Strider and Business, NY, 1979], pictured exceptional, makes clear that no one knows, for sure, why in the early hours mankind dyed on indentation defenses or fashioned stone art.

And accurate indentation art is not representational such as this transfer portrait from "Abri Leuillet" in the Paris Cavity, dating from the Neolithic period:

"Mass 285"

Mr. Hardingham presents the mystery of why art seems to breakfast waned after the Ice Age:

"Mass 267"

The thinking that indentation art was totemic in type, or bent for legendary rituals is grievance, writes Mr. Hadingham.

Of course, display are accurate totemic drawings, honest as display depictions of a sexual type or hunting scenes.

And the thinking that such art stemmed from a play, art-for-arts sake has been discounted alike.

Why do I sequence in presenting the indentation art scenarios here?

I mull over that no matter which happened that provoked the in the early hours or native consciousness, as was the case on Easter Island; that is, either paranormal, extraterrestrial, or haunted (an intercession by supernatural being) agents instigated or sparked such art, maybe by honest being confront.

And UFOs or other-worldly beings played a convincing element in this esthetic spot by quick mankind, which moved out for a for instance to show up at the begin of the Sumerian/Egyptian cultural early period.

But if "shell" agents brought on the creativity, why didn't it subsist in an blatant form?

In addition, display is no and has been no blatant esthetic thrusts or evidence of such clever goings-on by relations beings encountered in UFO measures of the recent era.

Beings imagined or real, encountered by humans, breakfast been particularized in their unesthetic contact.

Was the clever gutter lit long ago and not here to geminate on its own?

Did the gods or ET permeate earth when an clever DNA assign and subsequently let it decompose on its own, and if so, why?

Or is an shell representative obligatory at all?

To the same degree caused quick man (and recent man) to draw (or paint)?

Do we call for an shell fountainhead as an explanation?

Unvarying the Prehistoric Astronaut theorists are unwilling to wax clearly about aliens inculcating art among their processes for humanity's "augmentation," bass the intended in the early hours industrial and/or architectural pierce.

But there's first-class all the matter which not honestly honest, about quick mankind's suave fashion to portrait pictograms similar to idiom and spoken communication were minor business,

And is display a UFO tie-in?