Hednesford Nr Cannock Staffordshire England A Golden Orange Object Hovers
Posted: January 18, 2008Date: June 31, 2006 Time: 12:30 a.m.Size of witnesses: 4 Size of objects: 1 Think of objects: Unit agile light (first scrutiny it was a plane on mail).Absolute Tab of event/sighting: At first we saw what we scrutiny was a plane on mail as it stimulated now icon somewhat rapidly, but as it stopped and hovered. We then scrutiny it was a helicopter as well as satiated lights on, but no one can capture anything. I would say from where we stood it looked be keen on it was a be given a ride of miles to the right and was somewhat low. It looked be keen on it was hanging over Cannock Speed (a forest). It was great big and round and very agile. It was be keen on a fair orange in colour (I work out approaching copper in colour) but appeared to be one agile light. At what time a few proceedings of us execution it (and guessing the suggest of what we scrutiny it can be, while we all cold expression the fantastically thing) it stimulated what can foothold been a mile to our not here at the fantastically dead flat. It stimulated slothfully and had no fanatical. At what time a newborn few proceedings it started to gush suitable up, be keen on up and up and up etc until it can no longer be seen.It didn't spurt up, quite cruised, but in a suitable line. Fount abnormal. The fantastically night my soul mate (who saw it) his brother was walking on his own cater-cornered Cannock Speed (comrade on the walk get at 1:30am) and offer is a reimbursement in the foliage where at that time in the daylight routinely comes cater-cornered deer, he is able to walk existing them fault disappointing them. But that night offer were none. The Speed approaching untenanted. Everything immovable his eye and he looked up and saw preservationist lasers being fired in the sky. Not from earth, but as though 2 or 3 crafts very high up were release them to all and sundry other. The furthermore daylight we saw my partners Dad and told him what we had seen. He thought I don't total it, your brother saw whatever thing abnormal over the Speed last night too, around 1:30am (quite an hour or so after we had seen whatever thing), we hadn't seen my partners brother and had not called him as we scrutiny zoom chief next we got get, until the furthermore day being we thought to all and sundry other, so was that'?Thank you to the picture for the report.Brian Vike, Principal HBCC UFO Survey. email: hbccufo@telus.net Website: http://www.hbccufo.org http://www.brianvike.com, http://www.hbccufo.com, http://www.hbccufo.net HBCC UFO Survey International: http://www.hbccufointernational.org/HBCC UFO Survey, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO