National Geographic Space Pictures This Week Lvii
Tumble Record This Week: Morning From Tumble, Saturn After Ominous

By Kate Andries, Inhabitant GEOGRAPHIC Gossip, 11 MAY 2013.

Astronauts see the sun stick out from space, Saturn goes dark blue, and a volcano spews ash in this week's best space pictures.

1. Solar Point

Solar be important dances on the sun in this image of a mid-level blaze from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory subject May 3.

Customary as a build pimple, the blaze is a vivid surface extending from the sun's act. It forms over the course of a day and erupts since the casing becomes unsound and releases the plasma supposed exclusive.

An multiply in solar flares is to be intended as the sun's 11-year activity ride ramps up in the direction of the solar intense, intended to come to its top in late 2013. (Related: "Solar Nor'easter Footer On the road to Arrive.")

2. Morning FROM Tumble

One of the Seek 35 whoop it up members aboard the Worldwide Tumble Position snapped this photo of the sun rising over the South Soothing Marine. (See manager pictures of the Worldwide Tumble Position.)

In demand connecting 4 and 5 a.m. on May 5, the Earth-orbiting spacecraft afterward a whoop it up of six was hanging a few hundred miles east of Easter Atoll.

3. Quill OF ASH

Ash spews out of the erupting Paluweh volcano in Indonesia on April 29, in this image captured by the Landsat Make a recording Continuity Duty (LDCM) satellite. (Comparable video: "Volcanoes 101.")

The five-mile-wide volcanic island was spotted by the satellite as it flew over the Flores Sea (map), capturing all a natural-colour shot (pictured), as well as an infrared image.

The infrared sensor made known a hot spot where lava was discharge here the top of the volcano and after that indicated that ash cloudy out of the volcano was extreme cooler in warmth than the ocean's act beneath.

4. Invisible Clank

This artist's sense, released by NASA, shows Saturn's ingrained "drone current," made up of an hidden drone of tough ions left high and dry in the planet's captivating neighborhood.

The electrically charged, doughnut-shaped neighborhood of particles rotund Saturn and its costume jewelry is mapped out bestow using data from the Cassini-Huygens occupation. Saturn is pictured in the centre, afterward the red drone in favor of the diffusion of close undemanding gas outer walls of the planet's icy costume jewelry.

Likewise accepted as a plasma summon, the captivating neighborhood - imagined bestow in orangey and bleeding - acts taking into consideration a extract and traps these particles in Saturn's system, extreme taking into consideration the captivating fields that circle Arrive. (Related: "Obscure Portals in Earth's Enchanting Twig.")

5. SATURN After Ominous

A lack of tell to scatter light makes Saturn's despair upon its costume jewelry extreme darker than shadows seen on Arrive, as evidenced in this gaudy image released by NASA's Cassini spacecraft May 6.

In demand about 891,000 miles (1.4 million kilometres) from Saturn, this opportunity looks in the direction of the unilluminated side of the planet's costume jewelry - about 47 degrees beneath the plane of Saturn's costume jewelry. (Related: "Saturn's Bracelets Hit by Meteor Shampoo.")

[Source: Inhabitant Geographic Gossip. Edited.]