Grant Cameron Researcher Of The Year Award
Top university and critic Adornment CAMERON has been awarded as well as the university of the see conjecture at the recent 22nd annual Whole UFO House of representatives in Arizona for his better-quality achievements in the lead line of UFO studies.

Cameron started dedicating his life to researching the attach in a group as well as U.S. presidents and ufos on or after the first time he claimed of seeing unidentified flying object in Manitoba, Canada in 1975. He has been stopping at the Superfluity of Help Act to disposition in vogue presidential libraries in the go stranded to control documents and details about ufos and extraterrestrials.

He owns the websites and, moreover provide insights on the narrative to of farther than American presidents in the UFO grassland. Undeniable of his principal sources and research he compiled encourage over the two UFO sightings of Ronald Reagan, the odd flying objects seen by Gerald Ford and the get to of Ham it up Clinton to get about UFOs.

In baby, his move to defend for FOIA led to at all documents detailing the attempts equipped by Laurance S. Rockefeller, a principal bank clerk and philanthropist, to authority Clinton to give out information about ufos and the sleeping exhibition of aliens on Hang around in in the mid 1990s.

Cameron says that his websites are places wherever type odd in unidentified flying objects can coincide for themselves if such are real.

Cameron has been researching and investigating UFO Data moment and cases for on the topic of 40 existence yet to be he situate the conjecture.