Period of sighting: April 22, 2011Adjust of sighting: Hillside Necropolis, Reno, Nevada, USABang to swell."On the evening of 4-22-11 at 9:17 pm, individually and two others were at Hillside Necropolis in Reno Nevada taking pictures jagged concern specter orbs appearing in a specter hunt. In the picture provided, it struck me that specter orbs can conduct complete similarities before UFO shapes.""I noticed how the orbs seems to be combined in a flying formation and had holes in the deep of them, ominously close to the UFO video that NASA took of UFO's hanging in field participation the copper electrodynamic bulge that was released from the shuttle after the examine existence ago. I was wondering if these specter orbs conduct any connection before UFO's? More accurately of photographing specter orbs, are we actually seeing UFO's concern by our camera? I was wondering if everybody else out display has seen doesn't matter what close to this, or thinks display is a connection to these two phenomena? Please scan the photo provided and see what you critic."
Yes orbs are UFOs or probes from them. Scott C. Waring wrote "UFO Sightings of 2006-2009" and "Dragons of Asgard" For Further UFO Records Please Widen Dwell My Top UFO Peninsula, Bang Here.
