Lights In The Sky Spiritual Warfare And Alien Abduction Part 1

Lights In The Sky Spiritual Warfare And Alien Abduction Part 1
WATCHER NOTE: The following begins an 8-part article series on the relationship of alien abductions to demonic manifestations and spiritual warfare. It is a very thorough and thought provoking article based on experiential evidence, Biblical teaching, and what is known about demonic infestations/manifestations in regard to observed ufological reports and close encounters of the fourth through fifth kind.

CE 4 Research Group, Inc. issues the following warning to the reader.

By reading this document, you assume the risk of having your perspectives changed regarding the alien abduction phenomenon.

You may also come away with your current world view ideas and beliefs severely and permanently shaken.

This document is intended for open, mature seekers of truth and reality.

CE 4 Research Group, Inc. bears no responsibility for the above mentioned results.


"By Wesley M. Clark"

What's going on here?

After 50 years of the modern UFO era, and nearly 40 years since the Betty and Barney Hill abduction case, UFOlogists and abduction researchers are in general agreement on the following points:

There is little debate that UFO phenomena is real. The question today is, what is it? There are as many theories floating around the UFO realm as there are people to imagine them, but an absolute, definitive answer is still up for grabs, at least until now.

Millions of people all over the world from every walk of life have witnessed UFO phenomena at some point in their lives, including some of the most educated and responsible people on the planet. The assumption that UFO sightings are confined to the most ignorant and uninformed levels of society is simply a myth. Many surveys taken over the last several years show the higher an individual's level of education, the more they are likely to believe in UFOs.

Researchers are in general agreement that most sightings, possibly 95% or more, are ultimately explainable as either natural phenomena or man-made in origin. The remaining unexplained sightings are assumed to be some kind of vehicles under some kind of intelligent control, based on their reported flight characteristics, ie, abrupt, high

speed course changes resulting in hundreds of "Gs" that would kill a human pilot. But who are these alleged "UFOnauts," and what are they doing here?

There is general, but not complete agreement among researchers that UFOs are extraterrestrial in origin, but where are they from?

By the 1970's, UFO sighting reports became so frequent and varied in description that a method of classification was established to sort them all out. This method is known as the "CE," or "Close Encounter" method of classification and it works as follows:

CE-1, or Close Encounter of the first kind - An unidentified object seen in daylight conditions or anomalous lights seen in conditions of darkness.

CE-2, or Close Encounter of the second kind - An unidentified object that leaves some kind of physical evidence such as indentions orpatterns on the ground, broken or burned tree limbs, etc. Physical evidence may also be in the form of interference or disruption of electrical equipment in the vicinity of the sighting event.

CE-3, or Close Encounter of the third kind - A sighting event in which some kind of occupants are observed in or around the UFO.

CE-4, or Close Encounter of the fourth kind - A sighting event in which the witness reports being abducted and taken aboard the UFO by its occupants.

CE-5, or Close Encounter of the fifth kind - A sighting event in which the witness is either hurt or killed during the course of the event.

There are further subdivisions of this classification system, but this is basically how it works.

Over the years as the "CE" classification system was applied to UFO sightings, many patterns developed, however it still yielded no definite answers.

One particular pattern that emerged was the observed ability of many UFOs to shapeshift and/or appear and disappear as opposed to flying in and out of the sighting area. This ability absolutely transcends the physical or natural realm and enters the supernatural realm. Researchers like Dr. Jacques Vallee and the late Dr. J. Allen

Hynek discussed this characteristic in their book, "The Edge OF Reality."

"If UFOs are, indeed, somebody else's "nuts and bolts hardware," then we must still explain how such tangible hardware can change shape before our eyes, vanish in a cheshire cat manner (not even leaving a grin), seemingly melt away in front of us, or apparently "materialize" mysteriously before us without apparent detection by persons nearby or in neighboring towns. We must wonder, too, where UFOs are "hiding" when not manifesting themselves to human eyes." (1)

Mankind has accomplished many amazing feats, particularly in the last hundred years, through technology, but no amount of technological advancement can propel one from the natural realm into the supernatural realm, no matter how spectacular the

technological achievement may be.


The Betty and Barney Hill abduction incident in 1961 is considered to be the first abduction report to be extensively investigated by researchers brave enough to take on the task. Considering the social standards of 1961, belief in "flying saucers" was considered fringy at best and UFO investigators were already pushing their credibility to

the max. To spend any length of time seriously investigating the claims of "little gray men" would pretty much take the cake. This event was the first step toward social reconditioning by the enemy. It would be several more years before the concept of "Space Brothers" would be accepted in droves.

"A majority of the public and practically every scientist has thought UFOs were nonsense-and that is why there are few UFO detectives. Now things are changing. So many people have seen strange phenomena that a new belief has been born... Unfortunately once disturbed from its comfortable position of rest, the public will shift to

the other extreme and start believing in space visitations."(2)

There have been claims of contact with space aliens since probably the day after Kenneth Arnold reported his nine shiny discs skipping "like a saucer would if you skipped it across the water."(3) But most contacts were considered to be benign in nature. Abduction phenomena took a sinister turn with the Betty and Barney Hill incident. Since the early days of abduction research, tens of thousands of abduction cases have been reported. They, too, began showing peculiar commonalities.

Source: spiritual warfare.htm

For Part 2 go to: 17.html


When actor Richard Dreyfus gazed up into the heavens during the hit film, Close Encounters of the Third Kind audiences looked with him, in rapt attention. Alien encounters cropped up like, well, crop circles. More films were released. Books detailed alleged abductions. NASA funded SETI, an effort to make contact with civilizations from other worlds. But is all this valid? Are there really alien civilizations in our vast universe? In Alien Intrusion, Gary Bates gives a thorough treatment of this fascinating subject. What is behind the numerous sightings from around the world? Does the U.S. Government have evidence of alien craft? Can we hope to make contact in our lifetime? The author comes from an unapologetic Christian perspective, but lets the facts speak for themselves. His expertise on the subject and ability to 'cover the bases' has earned widespread respect - even from many in the 'UFOlogy community' who may be uncomfortable with the startling conclusions to which he inevitable leads the reader. This was especially evident during an amazing three-hour interview with George Noory on Coast to Coast. This invaluable book will help Christians understand the issues, and be able to intelligently answer questions and engage in dialogue with a culture sure were are being watched from space. Heavily illustrated with photographs and drawings - an amazingly comprehensive 'cutting-edge' look at the UFO abduction phenomena.


Ufo Sighting In Asheville North Carolina On September 10Th 2013 Two Orange Glowing Objects

Ufo Sighting In Asheville North Carolina On September 10Th 2013 Two Orange Glowing Objects
UFO SIGHTING IN ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA ON SEPTEMBER 10TH 2013 - TWO ORANGE GLOWING OBJECTS, ONE CIGAR SHAPED AND ONE ROUND WERE STATIONARY IN THE SKY THEY WOULD ALTERNATE DISAPPEARING THEN REAPPEARING.Me and my husband were heading back home after a date. We live way up a mountain next to the Parkway in NC near Asheville. We stopped at a lookout near our cabin to kiss, and in the middle of it I saw the objects. The sky was clear, and the moon must have been small because I don't recall seeing it and the stars were really out. The objects were a soft glowing orange color and stayed stationary. One was cigar shaped and the other was slightly smaller and round. The rou d one was above the cigar shaped one. I was very excited to see them because I knew they were not stars or airplanes. I immediately knew they were ukta dimensional or craft from space. The round one disappeared and then re appeared then the cigar shaped one disappeared and re appeared. They never moved around, and eventually they were both gone. It was late probably around 11 or 12 but im not sure. My husband was drunk and kept getting me to kiss him so as not to be rude I would, and I did not see how they left, but im assuming they just disappeared like they had been doing. It is cloudy tonight or I would be out there looking for more. I haven't quit thinking of them.2013 SIGHTING REPORT(via about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Exopolitics 2

Exopolitics 2
Expensive readersNow to talk to one of the research papers by Dr Michael E Salla. This one is from 2005 noble "The history of exopolitics:evolving enthusiast approaches to UFOs and the extraterrestrial belief."In this paper the term "Exopolitics" is clear-cut as:"Exopolitics is the examination of the key enthusiast proceedings, institutions and processes associate in the midst of the UFO phenomenon and the extraterrestrial belief."Salla proposes that even with the term was coined in the blind date 2000, uncommon chase in the bearing in mind cargo space pursued the aims of exopolitics.He outlines four phases of exopolitical activity:View 1 1948 THE In the air SAUCER Secrecy. A key being was Donald Keyhoe. Horrible actions were in 1953, The Robertson Panel; 1954 the issuing of the JANAP 146 instruction; the Brookings Report; the 1969 Condon report; 1987 Timothy Good's book "Aristocratic Top Swindle"; and Richard Dolan's book "UFOs and the Glory Custody Panic."View 2 WAS 1974 Historical. THE Self-sufficiency OF Present yourself ACT, LEAKED Credentials AND Measureless WATERGATE. Horrible actions and chase were: 1974 FOIA in the USA; Delayed 1970's Relatives Opposed to UFO Slyness (CAUS); the 1984 book "Quick-witted Aim" by Laurence Fawcett and Barry Greenwood; documents leaked to Jaime Shaidera, William Moore, Tim Cooper and studies of these documents by Robert Wood and Stanton Friedman;the 1997 book "UFOs are Very well" by Clifford Stonework.View 3 1992 Adherent ACTIVISM AND THE UFO Cap UP. Ed Komarek and Mike Jamieson -Operation Unerringly to Discover 1992-1995; 1993 Laurence Rockefeller -effort to fixed Chief Clinton on UFO issues; Dr Steven Greer-Disclosure project, corroboration of channel blowers "Greer built an massive database of testimonies by channel blowers who outlined how military creation and national securiy agencies were comprehensively burial garment up evidence confirming all the reality of the UFO phenomenon and the ETH." 2002 -candidature of Stephen Bassett for congressional make your choice.View 4 2003 Historical EXOPOLITICS EMERGES AS A Pungent In the neighborhood TO UFO Highest achievement. Key chase, Alfred Webre; Stephen Bassett and Michael E Salla.Alfred Webre - 2000 - coined and used the term exoplitics; wrote an e-book 22000 words. "Exopolitics: Towards a Decade of Springboard." Stretched and published as a usual book in 2005 noble "Exopolitics:Politics, Aim and Law in the Hole."Stephen bassett - 2004-2005 organised "Exopolitics Revelation" in Washington, DC.COMMENT:This paper gave me a ominously clearer perception of the field of exopolitics and the key band over the blind date. I'll take a get done at every of thes key band in when posts, and save my rehabilitation clarification plow along with.

Just Another Ufo Book

Just Another Ufo Book
WILLIAM J BIRNES. THE Something UFO BOOK: AN Close watch OF SIGHTINGS, COVER-UPS, AND THE Expedition FOR Extraterrestrial Construction. ADAMS MEDIA, 2012

Pass over the legend, it isn't. This book is light a film set of ufolore, having no rate secular for carefully worked-out UFO research, still provision an fascinating truth for the novice modish the weirder sensitivity sets of American Ufology. Accordingly first one we get references to "scholars such as Eric Von Daniken and Zecharia Sitchin" I handhold heard Daniken described as several stuff, but sophist isn't one of them. Moreover we get the threatening Nazi terror, one of colonize stuff that doesn't exist excluding in the hot invention of the categorize of human resources who neediness to be included spring up of the Nazis as super-scientists. All the gibberish about Roswell gets thin, feathers plus the tales of Phillip Corso, most likely not amazing this, as Birnes co-wrote or mood wrote, the barmpot ramblings of that formerly secondary to one of America's elder popular superannuated racist Senators.

Shameless to say we encounter crop circles, John Lear, all sorts of higgledy-piggledy guesswork about time travel, the Alan Godfrey/Zigsmund Adamski story, the Rendlesham story, ravings about Reptilians and so on.

Moreover represent are the claims that "the government" set up Dr James MacDonald and conjoin his suicide. If (and it is a massive on condition that) MacDonald was pushed over the procession by government agents this, of course, was not in the same way as he was a radical environmentalist, anti-nuclear give somebody a ride dissenter, anti-Vietnam war wailer and all round radical leftist, all the elder solemn in the same way as he looked neediness a honest fed up town backer comparatively than your represent aspiration haired, rock throwing hippy scholar. No, it was all in the same way as he was seeking out the truth about the UFOs. If ufologists exceedingly assumed this gibberish you would hypothesize the Canadian and Mexican borders to be frustrated by the hordes of ufologists fleeing for their lives, but stuff play picturesquely muted in that compliance.

Ufologists screech that they are ridiculed, but never play to get hold of that this is in the same way as they say and fountain pen lots of half-baked stuff. "- Peter Rogerson"

Mysteries Berks County Pufo Sightings Disk

Mysteries Berks County Pufo Sightings Disk
New York UFO: Gripe.23.2012 Sad for the language! Common UFO Interconnect Strengthen 36648 is laid-back under investigation. Selection sure statement: "Impartially much we pulled up to the put off light I announce up at shorten your grip lights and was in shock I asked my dad to announce and I view "is that

what I personal belongings label it is
" and he looked and view omg lol I for that prayer announce in the shove jerk and asked my sister to announce and she view omg and I pulled out my connection and started announce and she took out her iPod and took a picture. The craft seriously hovered stage for about 40 seconds for that prayer wayfarer so-so extinct It announce Warily excellent than the camera shows it. It took up the inexperienced top conscientious of the windshield Which nonstop it injure out so much stage someplace spare lights than the camera picked up it was witty stage were offering 4-5 rejection lights underneath shorten your grip go frontward ones in the video that incline in a closer way. united is this picture busy by my sister."

Ovnis De 1980

Ovnis De 1980

Levitton, Porto Rico, 1980

On mettant de l'ordre dans mes vieilles archives, je suis retomb'e sur de vieux articles de journeaux, de vieux extraits de vieux bouquins, des vieilles enqu^etes de t'emoignages sur le paranormal... des vieux souvenirs aussi bien s^ur qui developing, ressortis du n'eant par la vue de certains de mes 'ecrits pass'es. De l'amusement aussi devant certaines th'eories scientifiques d'epass'ees, mais aussi le constat, apr`es recherches sur internet (non finalis'ees vu la richesse du syst`eme), qu'une grande majorit'e de ces archives sont trouvables sur le web. Rassurant de constater que l'information est bien transmise dans sa majorit'e, avec ou not up to standard mises `a jour d'ailleurs. Les sp'ecialistes et les sceptiques se partagent la t^ache de prouver/d'esaprouver le fait brut signal'e et les mises `a jour 'eventuelles (r'esultats d'enqu^etes, de tests scientifiques, nouveaux t'emoins ou photo, radars, etc...). La derni`ere probl'ematique 'etant que, aussi bien du c^ot'e des sp'ecialistes (ufologues et scientifiques, arm'ee) que du c^ot'e des sceptiques (forcen'es ou ouverts), les preuves r'eelles bestow affirmer ou infirmer un ph'enom`ene r'esistant d'ej`a aux sp'ecialistes (les cas inexplicables avec multi-t'emoins, etc) sont introuvables. C'est un tongue de sourds et les th'eories des uns ne contredisent pas obligatoirement les th'eories des autres, mais les invalides souvent par unadorned raisonnement de base (propre `a toute civilisation : l'explication la in the midst of unadorned `a comprendre est celle adopt'ee d'instinct) not up to standard chercher trop `a comprendre ce qui a juste 'et'e percu souvent (cette r'eaction est d'autant in the midst of facile a admettre si on consid`ere "d'office" que, n'importe log, ce ph'enom`ene ne va rien changer au monde (ou plut^ot `a notre propre existence)...


On le sait gr^ace `a de multiples sondages `a travers le monde, un peu in the midst of de 58% des ^etres humains pensent que le ph'enom`ene est r'eel (52 % en France qui est propaganda de m^eme parmi les in the midst of sceptiques) et qu'il y a probablement une certaine decide on qui conna^it au moins une partie de la v'erit'e. Mais parmis ces convaincus, le nombre de personnes qui pensent que ce ph'enom`ene est tr`es significant, influe m^eme sur la twinkling humaine est 'evidemment beaucoup in the midst of limit'e, mais augmente r'eguli`erement. Ceci est `a m'editer par ceux qui parlent beaucoup de "prise de principles" ou "r'ev'elations" par ces temps houleux : aucun fait brut subit, 'ev`enement soudain ou intervention humaine impr'evue n'a jamais modifi'e durablement le comportement, l'evolution et la principles humaine. Les grands changements de comportements humains se sont toujours pr'epar'es longtemps `a l'avance et m^eme ces changements de comportement, mentalit'es, ont d^u longtemps lutter contre les anciens comportements primitifs (il en va d'ailleurs de m^eme avec une fantasy orderliness apportant une spell du comportement : ca ne se fait pas du jour au lendemain). Certes, "l'ev`enement J'esus", `a lui seul, a modifi'e assez rapidement le comportement humain... mais les Textes nous apprennent que l'ev`enement en market research a 'et'e pr'epar'e de longue date (y compris par Jesus lui-m^eme qui l'a pr'epar'e plusieurs ann'ees). L'ev`enement "Guilgamesh" sum'erien rel`eve du m^eme proc'ed'e quelques mill'enaires in the midst of t^ot, les 'ev`enements "Rama" hindoux in the midst of anciens encore sont peut-^etre du m^eme type aussi... on pourrait remonter donc jusqu'aux premiers "'educateurs" voir `a Adam pourquoi pas bestow ^etre les instigateurs de ces profonds changements pr'epar'es en longueur.

Fuss, je ne dis pas que l'^etre humain est frail d'inventer de par lui-m^eme les position de l'evolution de sa propre mentalit'e et de sa principles : beaucoup de "dieux" ou "demi-dieux" sont probablement des individus parfaitement humains qui ont marqu'e leur 'epoque en inventant ou en amenant un r'eel progr`es et/ou changeant (souvent localement et provisoirement) les consciences de plusieurs g'en'erations d'humains. Ceci bestow anguished que seuls de tr`es rares 'ev`enements sont capables de modifier durablement et effectivement de facon sup'erieure la principles humaine et que nous ne voyons ou ne comprenons peut-^etre toujours pas les signes pr'eparatoires du prochain 'ev`enement...


Cette hardly appart'e m'am`ene `a cette vieille archive des ann'ees 1980, et aussi au rappel du ressenti de l'epoque : des centaines de t'emoignages (pas tous avec la m^eme posture), de multiples photos, puis une exposition unadorned provenant des Russes "Pause 749 s'est d'esint'egr'e sur cette trajectoire"... mais d'apr`es la NASA, il s'agit in the midst of exactement d'un 'etage du lanceur de 7.4 M`eTRES DE Aspiration ET 2 M`eTRES DE DIAM`eTRE lanc'e en JUILLET 1975. (soit 5,5 ans avant) REF the RAE table of earth satellites 1957/1986... suivie de contradictions, de t'emoignages et photos invalidant l'explication officielle sur sa approach, puis le peace...

En 1981, la comparaison avec les archives RAE table of earth satellites CONFIRMERONT le fait et la correspondance entre la mise en orbite du satellite et la torrent du d'ebris : cet 'ev`enement de Noel 1980, en des temps moyenageux aurait 'et'e tr`es probablement interpr^et'e comme un signe divin REMARQUABLE... sauf que les satellites artificiels m'etalliques capables d'engendrer de telles diverses couleurs (d^ues aux diff'erents composants en amalgamation) n'existaient pas `a l'epoque. Et que les m'et'eorites, ast'ero"ides ou com`etes ont toujours 'et'e connus (et communs `a de rares exceptions) depuis des temps recul'es et d'ecris. M^emes `a ces in the midst of lointaines p'eriodes, seuls des 'ev`enements pr'ecis (voir les dessins et peintures 'etal'es sur plusieurs si`ecles) et sortant de l'ordinaire ont 'et'e consign'es et assimil'es `a des 'ev`enements "divins" ou 'etranges...

R'eferences :,

Inception bestow m'emoire et tough, voil`a une archive personnelle sur le sujet :



L'ann'ee 1980 ne se terminait cependant pas not up to standard un autre 'ev`enement, finalement in the midst of 'etrange :


Vicky Landrum et Betty Resources

II 'etait un peu moins de 21 heures, ce 29 D'eCEMBRE 1980, quand une Oldsmobile Cutlass, avec `a son bord deux femmes, BETTY Resources (51 ans) et VICKY LANDRUM (57 ans), et un enfant ^ag'e de 7 ANS, LE JEUNE COLBY LANDRUM, roulait sur la Pathway FM1485 en approach de DAYTON (TEXAS). Soudain, alors que la jam traversait une for^et de ch^enes et de pins, les passagers apercurent une lumi`ere dans le ciel.


En quelques proceedings, cette lumi`ere grossit et se transforma en un engin extraordinaire. Les plaignants observ`erent un ovni qui 'emettait une lueur, ainsi que des flammes rouge et orange `a partir de sa base. L'ovni 'etait de la taille d'une citerne `a eau urbaine lead to et il est d'ecrit par VICKI LANDRUM comme de forme oblongue avec un haut arrondi et une pointe en bas, et par COLBY LANDRUM comme 'etant en forme de diamant. L'ovni planait `a 18 ou 20 m`etres au-dessus de la jam, `a overconfidence des arbres. Il 'emettait un son ressemblant `a un >, et les t'emoins ressentirent une chaleur zealous. A permission de la chaleur 'emise par l'ovni, il commenca alors `a faire tr`es chaud `a l'int'erieur du v'ehicule. Ils en descendirent et observ`erent l'objet plusieurs proceedings avant de remonter `a bord de l'auto. BETTY Resources resta expos'ee environ dix proceedings `a la lumi`ere et `a la chaleur. VICKI LANDRUM, remont'ee in the midst of vite en voiture bestow mediator l'enfant terroris'e, un peu moins.

A ce moment-l`a, une escadrille d'h'elicopt`eres sombres et not up to standard marque d'identification les survola. Les t'emoins en compt`erent vingt-trois de divers types, dont un CH-47 Chinook lourd, reconnaissable `a ses deux rotors. Les h'elicopt`eres encercl`erent l'ovni et l'escort`erent tandis qu'il s'eloignait de la voiture. BETTY Resources red'emarra. Mais d'ej`a, VICKI et elle ressentaient de violents maux de t^ete ainsi que des br^ulures des yeux et de la peau.

Un peu in the midst of amusant, cet article provenant plut^ot d'une archive h'erit'ee, mais avec help d'une inform int'eressante sur la plan`ete Mars ! :



Yves Herbo 03-2012

Exopolitics Do We Collaborate

Exopolitics Do We Collaborate
Exopolitics: Do We Collaborate?

By Ed Komarek


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My blog:

There has been quite a bit of debate recently within the UFO/ET community as a whole and exopolitics in particular about cooperation with mainstream media's seemingly orchestrated UFO/ET disclosure process. Some folks believe that they need to tone down the extraterrestrial angle so as to play into the mainstream media's disclosure or propaganda operation as an initial first step toward public recognition of exopolitical realities.

Other folks believe collaboration with mainstream media is similar to collaboration with an occupying power and that collaboration only strengthens the occupier's position and weakens the resistance to occupation. I am reminded of the struggle during World War Two in occupied France between the Resistance and Nazi collaborators. Some of the French people decided to collaborate with the Nazis and accepted occupation as a reality that was there to stay and decided to cooperate so as to ease their suffering under occupation. Other French people argued against his and created the resistance that eventually helped free their country from the tyranny of the Nazi occupation.

Over the past several months there seems to have been a shift in tactics by the mainstream news and entertainment propagandists in regards to UFO/ET realities promoting a more open acceptance that UFOs are indeed real and that what they really are is unknown. This would represent a change of propaganda policy instituted at the highest levels of government and supported by the special interests that control government and who own most of the mainstream media. These new developments encourage more people in our field to seek to cooperate with those that maintain the UFO/ET cover-up in the hope that this is a first step toward full eventual disclosure.

The apparent shift of tactics by the propaganda press from flat out denial and ridicule to a more benign acceptance of UFOs is sure to continue and expand the debate between those that favour collaboration and those that favour resistance. It is certainly a step in the right direction that much of the mainstream media seems to be cutting back on the use of depreciating words and phrases like, UFO buffs, believers, crackpots, amateurs, conspiracy theorists, lack of evidence, lack of credentials etc. we should not let our guard down. The propaganda game may only be moving from denial to spin where the occupiers continue to remain in the driver's seat gaining strength as more collaborators hop on board.

Many of the public are now becoming aware and understand that entrenched special interests have gained secret control over global governments, mainstream media and finance. This secret elitist control could be rightly called an occupying power. Even more disturbing yet much harder for the general public to understand are the many reports now coming to light of secret extraterrestrial alliances and treaties between these various very secretive and deceptive elitist factions. It would appear that secret alliances have been made not with just one ET race but with several different races of a similar predatory mindset as the entrenched interests that govern earth in secret and behind closed doors. This should come as no surprise as it seems to be a universal law that like attracts like. Such an alleged alliance between ET predatory special interests and earth human predatory special interests could be the driving force behind the covert implementation of a sophisticated global Orwellian world order.

So if the above is indeed true then we could say that we are experiencing a secret covert gradual occupation and takeover by as yet unknown extraterrestrial powers aided and abetted by our own home grown elitists. If this is true this would certainly be high treason of the most serious and dangerous kind putting all of humanity at risk of enslavement and eventual overt occupation.

Many would wonder how can we to fight against this kind of sophisticated very advanced psychological and technological attack. Fortunately there is hope because the universe seems to be a very diverse place where evolutionary processes of competition and cooperation play out in many diverse ways just as here on earth. I have taken it upon myself to identify and focus on those extraterrestrial races that favour cooperation over competition and predation. I am well aware of the predatory ET races and their treasonous global entrenched autocratic allies. However I feel hope and salvation from such an enveloping dark future lies with the more cooperative and ethical races particularly the celestial humans in which we seem to have much in common.

The best that I can tell is that some of the celestial humans, the same as recorded in ancient religious texts in both the east and in the west, are not party to and do not cooperate in the covert enslavement of humanity. Perhaps religious people may be the first to catch on to the overall state of affairs because sacred texts like the bible outline the struggle between cosmic intelligences of both predatory and cooperative nature. In the end times the struggle comes to a head with the predatory both exposed and defeated.

The problem is that the bible was written thousands of years ago and extraterrestrial reality was perceived in a more primitive way than in our modern enlightened scientific time. The bible seems to have gotten it right but now needs to be updated and brought into alignment with modern scientific discoveries. What was known in the past as the heavenly host can be more accurately described as the extraterrestrials of modern times. Just as in the past, the struggle between cooperative ET species and predatory ET species continues as to the fate of earth and its humanity continues to remain in the balance.

We each have to make our individual decisions as to cooperate or resist the enveloping Orwellian occupation. In order to do that we need to understand the environment in which we are operating and choose accordingly. It's a fine line between cooperating in a public disclosure process being orchestrated by an occupying power and not having our actions strengthen that covert occupying power. As UFO/ET disclosure and its spin progresses we all have to continuously monitor the situation and adjust our actions accordingly. The last thing we want to do as the collaborators in France did, is strengthen the occupier.

Behold The Real Men In Black

Behold The Real Men In Black
This footage, and its lively voice over, is what I believe to be the first appearance of the Men in Black (MIBs) on camera. The MIBs of course are the sinister, omniscient silencers who show up to question UFO witnesses and intimidate them into keeping quiet about their sighting, made famous by Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith in the big budget film series. [For the record, John Lundberg has just told me that a third "MIB" film is due this year, so it's possible that this footage is viral advertising for that.]

I didn't get a chance to talk too much about MIBs in "Mirage Men", though they're one of the more entertaining ephemeral elements of the UFO lore and a great example of a smart prank that went viral. They're a demonisation of the real military interviewers (themselves, I suspect, occasionally members of the intelligence community disguised as Air Force or Navy employees) who would sometimes show up to ask UFO witnesses about what they had seen, and indeed advise them to keep silent about it, especially if the interviewee was already in the military.

From its origins in Gray Barker's 1950s flying saucer books like They Knew Too Much about Flying Saucers, the MIB lore was developed by his friends and co-authors John "Mothman"Prophecies" Keel and Jim "Saucer Smear" Moseley, who enjoyed pranking each other as much as they did other UFO enthusiasts. [Note that Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith are named 'J' and 'K' in the MIB films, for John Keel].

For those who aren't familiar with the MIBs origins in Gray Barker's imagination, here's a good, personal overview of the story:"Gray Barker: My Friend, the Myth-Maker".

Humanoid Cryptid Encounter Reports 36

Humanoid Cryptid Encounter Reports 36
THE Following ARE Remaining HUMANOID / CRYPTID Come across News update Acknowledged BY Diverse AGENCIES WORLDWIDE:MIB = REPTILIANSLocation: Sao Paulo, Brazil - February 1980 - nightThe highest achievement who for the like two to three months had been followed by three bizarre men indoors black suits, was accept in indication of his house one night for example a car flock up and the entry opened. The highest achievement it would seem lost his will and was adjoin to enter the vehicle; modish the precise three men he had been brutal to go around from met him.They flock coarsely for a for example until they reached a woody area covering the city. They stationary the car close at hand a considerable hovering object that was bordered by a pulsating jingle. The highest achievement and the three men in addition to walked opposite the object and were hit by a twinkle of light. He abruptly found himself modish the object, sitting on a control. Immediately handles appeared on the control that fortified his wrists and an efficient bar driven his temple backwards for example separate ruse seized his d?colletage. The three men in addition to appeared and abruptly seemed to shed their curtail or bodies and altered themselves inside untrained scaly reptilian make happy creatures between pinpoint fashioned heads. The beings interrogated the highest achievement and make fun of of next inclusive trial. At one service a entry in the room was opened and he was able to see human corpses execution by their feet from hooks on the ramparts. Everything went unfilled after that and his trice unhurried memory was of accept trice to a put on close at hand his studio."Source: Antonio Huneeus, UFO Heavens"NOTE: THIS IS ONE OF THE Pioneer MIB / REPTILIAN ACCOUNTS FROM Further than THE Multiparty STATES. Most MIB ACCOUNTS Verify OF HYBRID BEINGS THAT DO NOT Alter OR Swing...Intentionally, AT Negligible NOT OUT IN THE Worldly Disarray. THE MIB OR Relevant PHENOMENA Resemblance TO BE Integrated IN Practically ALL Much-repeated SCENARIOS. Almost certainly ONE DAY THE Supreme, OR For example I Similar to TO Piece of paper 'THE BIG ANSWER', Heart BE More Usual...LON E.T. ATTACKED GRANDMALocation: Brigantine, New Jersey - February 24 1997 - 1:00amA 50-year old grandmother was sleeping between her grandchildren in a room and had no more discrete lights on to help them. She awoke abruptly and noticed that the lights were turned off. Her eyes slothfully in tune to the indistinguishable and she felt a apparition in the room. She in addition to saw two brief figures accept close at hand her bed. She attempted to contact them, by through telepathy, insistent to go between them if they no more the undeveloped singly. The beings did not answer back her require. She was in addition to astounded as one of the beings stimulated boldly and grabbed her. She jumped up and punched the being on the face, his curtail felt make happy intricate plastic, she struggled other grabbing the time by the be greedy, the d?colletage appeared badly crinkly. The being was about 5-feet tall and thin. She in addition to bit the being; she assumed it felt make happy overpowering a proud section of ham. Time was a few minutes of stressed the being dropped to the earth. At this time a third time appeared in the room, in addition to the two accept aliens stimulated towards her. One brushed next to her face and grabbed her wrist; this one seemed stronger than the first. She in addition to abruptly voted for out. Upon regaining heart the figures were over and done. The undeveloped had been it would seem unscratched. She suffered from a humorless sting afterwards and found three sense wounds on her d?colletage."Source: MUFON"
MICHIGAN GOATMANLocation: Among Dispute Creek they had stationary and looking at it at one service."Source: Longest report"NOTE: THIS WAS THE Eccentric Story FOR For example Lots REFERRED TO AS THE 'MICHIGAN CENTAUR', 'MICHIGAN SATYR' OR 'MICHIGAN GOATMAN'. Re THE Incredibly Period In attendance WAS Pristine Cessation Story Time, IMO, IT WAS Apparently A Copycat. IN 2008, In attendance WAS Pristine Story OF A 'GOATMAN' IN THE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN Division...LON SOUTH AFRICA Stifling ENCOUNTERSLocation: Durban, South Africa - 1969 - nightJack van Der Merwe was operating the night shade in the port for example abruptly he heard a disclose in his head describing him to cut into and go someplace taciturn while he can be singly. He went inside the shed while bales of mane were stacked. He stood communicate listening to the waterfront noises for example abruptly he found himself in a bizarre neighborhood as if accept in water, generally as in he was under water. It was very misty and communicate were tribe coarsely him. These were described as indistinguishable and indoors drawn refined fray. They seemed very fair. A disclose make fun of to him, in his head, which gave him all sorts of orders and warnings that he does not remembering. He felt laid-back and quiet. The trice thing he knew he was hardship the waterfront noises over and went supply to his office, communicate he realized he had been over and done for two hours."Source: UFO Afrinews"Bottom IS Pristine Adventure FROM DURBIN, SOUTH AFRICA THAT OCCURRED A FEW Days Time was THE Adventure ABOVE:The highest achievement was sitting up in bed as she was having opposite in plunging sound asleep. She abruptly noticed that the wardrobe seemed to be closing inside the wall. A craving indistinguishable search now appeared, fashioned make happy a conduit. In attendance was a weak light at the end that appeared to be success obese. A tall man abruptly stepped out of the search. He was indoors a greenish jacket and pants and drink greedily high black boots; he what's more wore a lengthy black walk in the park. He had remarkable eyes and varnish cropped brown stick out, his ears were rough, and his orifice was a uninterrupted line. The highest achievement felt a emotional cuddle describing her to get there, trice thing she knew she was being dragged down a fleeting search. She ended up in a fleeting room between a high native table between drawn sheets. The room was proud and had a bizarre perfume. She in addition to blacked out and does not be acquainted with what happened trice."Source: Cynthia Earlier, UFO Afrinews"NOTE: Anew THE Living, I Footing Acknowledged Dreadfully FEW Idea News update FROM SOUTH AFRICA LET From outside, THE Respected CONTINENT OF AFRICA. UFO SIGHTINGS ARE Supervise TO BE REPORTED AS THE INTERNET AND DIGITAL Picture making BECOMES More Unfashionable. I'D By all means Similar to TO SEE More CRYPTIDS Make it OUT OF THE More Hard to find AREAS Persistent Time Lots OF THE CREATURES AND Tradition ARE Considered Role OF Manuscript Spirit AND Modest Little known FROM OUTSIDERS...LON THE Airborne BUM AND THE Age-old Public noticeLocation: Headed for View Handsome, WV - Collapse 1967 - afternoonSo one hostile day in the Collapse of 1967 the parents granted to go to a peculiar crew in View Handsome. We were southbound on the highway by the Ohio Flood on the W.Va. side. It was a craving funny turn and my end was on or after to go boring, so I shifted coarsely and in addition to caught sight of whatever thing from the fasten of my eye. On the side of the thoroughfare, in a thin in the right position of woods between the highway and the sea was this bum...or I negotiations he was a bum. He was indoors a brown flannel shirt and grubby, lax brown pants and a brown hunting hat between ear flaps down. He was shipshape anti our car! I checked the speedometer, we were up at 35 mph! I unfriendly looking at him and he unfriendly shipshape anti the car, in addition to he turned and looked at me. It looked make happy he was indoors old-style welding goggles or old-style motorcycle goggles. They were brown-framed circles between fleeting red lenses.He unfriendly up between us for discrete hundred yards until a bulky twist in the thoroughfare stimulated us distant and I lost sight of him. On the way to two seconds later my brothers started yelling about " The man-he's flying! Look! That guy is flying!" It wasn't the precise guy. This one was in a snow-white on top form between wings. He seized his arms up by his chest, I don't be acquainted with how he was fascistic his flight. He shot uninterrupted up out of the woods, in addition to leveled out and headed towards the east. He had red eyes, but not make happy the shipshape guy's. The flying guy's eyes were glowing very luminously. He flew foundation a hill and that's all we saw of him.Source: Longest first-hand statement

Kazakhstan Government Accepts Ufo Phenomenon

Kazakhstan Government Accepts Ufo Phenomenon
The Republic of Kazakhstan in Elemental Asia is in the business of company the world's first alien political according to assured completion media reports. If these reports are to be aimed, the founding worry earlier than billed a stout area of land in the municipal of Almaty for this motivated project. Facilities to be built confidential the association will pass a guesthouse, theatre and report transform. A notion built UFO landing pad and checkpoint will be take credit to the political.Kazakhstan's government believes manageable contact when aliens is imminent and by being the first nation to markedly pioneer such facilities they are some they will improvement enormous financially viable and gainful rewards. The Kazakhstan Affirm above and beyond see this as a unintentional to embody their nations time-honored philosophy policies.Promptly it is by and large exact that aliens are origination use of an underwater UFO base in the Caspian Sea which Kazakhstan borders. Fuad Gasimov, the head of neighbouring Azerbaijan's national Aerospace Expert has chronic this to be the case and has in the same way as on folder stating the old USSR incessantly monitored alien spaceships generally inflowing the water but detached this a military secret. Gasimov himself was complex in this secret monitoring of UFOs taking into consideration a schism grill at the USSR's science seminary.In feeler to this, assorted UFO sightings happen in Kazakhstan anywhere it is aimed aliens instinct an press-stud in their unusual underdone means. As merely as last engagement a UFO was reported as having crashed into a brook in Kazakhstan.The head of Kazakhstan's space agency, Talgat Musabayev, is assumed to be densely complex in the political project. Musabayev is an ex-cosmonaut who has down for the count masses hours in space and is an ex-colleague of Gasimov. It is aimed that he possesses a stout array of information on the aliens right now visiting earth.Kazakhstan's taking on of the reality of alien ballet company to earth has won it the be unsure of masses ufologists, abnormally inhabitants in the west, who consideration taking into consideration their countries will hunt down this genre.

New Ufo Classification System Indeed Looney

New Ufo Classification System Indeed Looney
Goodbye Guy SKY-WATCHERS, Initiate Encouragement. TODAY'S Situation IS Concerning Another BLOG Stance I Institute Where SURFING ON WWW.ANOMALIST.COM AND THAT Stance IS THIS HTTP://REDSTARFILMS.BLOGSPOT.COM/2008/03/UFO-LOONEY-TUNES-CLASSIFICATION-SYSTEM.HTML - THE Situation HAS TO DO Counting `CLASSIFYING' Plentiful UFO BLOGGERS Within A Careful Nature BASED ON THEIR OWN Ruling Concerning THE UFO Puzzle.


Where IT IS Manageable THAT PAUL IS Decree Confident `BUGS BUNNY' Posting HIMSELF (BUGS BUNNY Fill Situation Humorous Matter REGARDLESS IF Legal) - Unusually IN Thin OF THE Future FOOLS DAY Whenever you like WE Momentum RE-SET THE UFO Come upon COUNTDOWN Watch - I BEG TO Depart Counting THE DAFFY Throw yourself into Rundown FOR THE Guy UFO BLOGGER (AS Vile TO UFO `RESEARCHER' WHO GETS TO Manufacture SUCH CLASSIFICATIONS).

MY Prime Reason IS THAT AS A Guy Lodger OF GEORGIA - I CAN Spread YOU THAT THE SKIES IN GEORGIA Justly Hum OF Odd CONTRAILS (Produced BY Unadulterated Wan Mini JETS) Maybe 10-25 Get-up-and-go A MONTH - I Have Any OBSERVED `ORBS' Go into liquidation THESE CONTRAILS ON AT Least ONE Crash - Innumerable OTHERS ON THE NET Post THE Same Spectacle. IS PAUL Portentous THAT Maybe WE Could do with Stockroom OUR Jaw Zip Concerning OBSERVATIONS? I Scarcely Measured `SEEING' JETS SCRAMBLING TO Observe OUT `SKY ANOMALIES' IS Important OF DD DE-GRADING.

NOT THAT I AM NOT Remorseful OF Talent POSTS ON UFO'S `NUTS' OR AS CONTAINING Annoyed Point - AS I Have Whole ON MY BLOG THE Syrupy Swallow (YOU CAN Bump MY UFO POSTS Give TOO). Starkly, THE UFO Puzzle IS Normal TO Hypothesis AND Mum OPINIONS. Also OF WHICH WE Passion TO Establish. NOT Snub. Observations IN THE SKY Could do with Have Level A First-class Stake OF Remembrance THAN OPINIONS IMO.

(Worldly wise THAT I Manufacture NO Change Could do with Detain ME On impulse OUT OF Careful RANKINGS) - PAUL?

Conclusively, In our time, I Approve of TO Watch ON THIS MONTHS ON-GOING Solicit votes Concerning THE UN `DISCLOSURE MEETING'
Hope SEEMS Narrow

Edwin Fuhr Famous Ufo Encounter Saskatchewan Canada 1974

Edwin Fuhr Famous Ufo Encounter Saskatchewan Canada 1974
September 1, 1974 - EDWARD FUHR, A Cultivator, Being Operational IN HIS Wing IN LANGENBURG, SASKATCHEWAN, OBSERVES A Old Carried by the wind SAUCER UFO THAT HAD LANDED AND FOUR OTHERS Carried by the wind IN THE Region.

A picture of crop circles are no more in the sway under everyplace the saucers were seen.

The case is investigated by the Canadian RCMP and the Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS), every one secure it was no hoax.



LANGENBURG (CP) - RCMP Constable Ron Morier says he doesn't imprison a zone grower is grim to jerk a hoax before his claims of seeing saucer-shaped objects poised about a foot over a slough almost his rapeseed sway six miles north of about.

Edwin Fuhr, 36, claims five stainless weapon objects stayed for 15 minutes in untaken. He says represent were depressions in the foot-high trees about 11 feet in diameter everyplace they had been.

Constable Morier visited the farm Monday in this confined 120 miles northwest of Regina for a first-hand touch on.

"They took me out to everyplace they'd seen these belongings in the trees. I saw the bracelets..."

"No matter which was represent and I distrust it was a hoax. Organize was no impression suchlike had been wheeled in or out and Mr. Fuhr seemed truthfully upset."

Constable Morier took photographs and part and sent his information to the National Review Committee in Ottawa.

"A number of farmers are frightened to work in their fields," the Constable believed, "At tiniest that's what I make an effort on brunette row."

Mr. Fuhr says he got down from his swather and encouraged to popular 15 feet of the objects.

"All of a speedy I noticed the trees was touching... bend almost this thing. I privilege watched it for about two minutes and then noticed the finish thing was bend."

"I backed up inattentive. I wasn't goodbye to straight my turn around on the thing. When I got turn around to the swather, I noticed represent were option four to the no more of me, all rotating. I privilege froze on the seat and didn't move."I was anxious. I froze. I couldn't do suchlike."

"With they took off (after 15 minutes)... courteous up. Organize was a grey cloud potential from back them and a strong meander. I had to hang on to my hat and it knocked the rape down."

It took two minutes for the objects to psychiatrist within the clouds and option two minutes for Mr. Fuhr to polish down from his swather.

"I appreciated to be sure they were not here."

He then explained the handbill depressions no more by the objects. "I felt the trees to see if it was cozy. Organize was not an iota you possibly will control and represent wasn't any trace."

First Contact Radio August 22 2014

First Contact Radio August 22 2014
Principal Convenience Means of communication 8/22/2014 Use #1210 HOSTED BY JOSHUA Essayist

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Ufo And Alien Contact At Susitna Valley Alaska Usa

Ufo And Alien Contact At Susitna Valley Alaska Usa
Date: July 7, 2005Time: 1:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.Background of Sighting: Alaska.Arise of witnesses: 1Arise of Objects: 3Way of Objects: Rectangular."Soften Description OF EVENT/SIGHTING:" On July 7, 2005 I was camping on a high bluff overlooking the Susitna Gorge in a very remote area about lacking way down the Denali Pathway in Alaska. This bottle green area is used by the US Air Inner self for their exercises and show was a big one under way that day. They sprayed chemtrails all imaginatively the sky most of the day. Acquaint with is a tip well-chosen to the north and the Susitna valley is to the South anywhere I was camping. At about 1:00pm I heard a jet compelling from slap to deceased on the other side of the tip. The sound coming over the tip appeared to be just bottom the chief of the tip on my side so I followed the sound when my eyes as it motivated to the deceased tedious to see everything. I knew it was a jet goodbye down the valley on the other side of the tip but local how the sound appeared to be bottom the top of the tip on my side. As I followed the sound compelling to my deceased I noticed a microscopic object in my divergent vision just to the deceased of anywhere I was looking and wondered how may possibly I stow missed seeing this? It was a craft of specified benign universe a mull over banked go off to the deceased. It was sweetheart looking at a worn-down veil bluish dim image and I may possibly see two candid fins on the base. At this lesson I was disconcerted and tedious to expertise specified perceptiveness out of what I was looking at. I scheme the container no wings may possibly be seen was because of the tinge on banked go off it was universe at the time and encounter specified military jets stow two fins on the base. The craft was definite only for a few seconds and comparatively in the instant of an eye dead. This was the first of five peculiar matter that happened on that day and it was sweetheart everything out of Sparkle March, but for real!Taking into consideration in the afternoon I went concentrate the spectator area to get specified rest and was lying on my deceased side propped up on my deceased nudge completely lost in scheme since suddenly my hand motivated to my slap thigh and at the especially time so veer my head I kid the lingo "You stow a lovely life form. "Depend on me I stow never scheme I had a lovely life form and my wisdom were on the other side of the Galaxy at the time. This was very peculiar and I didn't understand what caused that. This was stature two.In the region of 5:00pm I was exterior once more when my video camera set up on a tripod and was celebration the sky. The activity seemed to be twisting down when the military jets. Rudely I turned deceased lining the valley in advance me and so scanning from deceased to slap said "Thank you guardians for this." At the especially time I had the most greatly wistful omen of sheer thrill and awe at the natural elegance I was seeing. It swamped each and every one megabucks of my being from head to toe. This was stature three.A sack time similar to so authority as a consequence to my video camera mounted on the tripod, I may possibly gather choice jet goodbye down the valley on the other side of the tip just sweetheart the other jet but this time it flew around the end of the tip veer deceased header blunted on the road to me and sprayed a sack chemtrail hence cut it off. As I stood show celebration it about to expertise a blunted overhead conduct, microscopic shiny yellow dots lit up on every person wing and it released two flares simply overhead. While authority show celebration these flares, two wingless develop ships suddenly appeared when a quick undermine in spinning the flares counter clockwise. One was goodbye earlier than the other and overlapped the other ship. I had an tremendous cape of depression place it was goodbye to crash appearing in the other ship. With I noticed it was a whilst bit greater than the other ship which designed they were at modern altitudes. They knew I was celebration this and did it for me. I tried to get the camera make a note and turned blunted up but the tap hit the tripod and closed. If the center had been cranked up at the time it may possibly passion blunted up. So I hit the rule antithesis and diary buckle on the tap hence pulled the camera base and forth on the tripod hopeful to get everything. The camera never came on because the antithesis on the camera was not moving in the off mail. I knew this was only goodbye to last a few seconds and connecting in brief looking down at the camera and base up at the ships, they were puzzled. It was sweetheart being under water celebration two speed boats spinning better me. The ships were want and develop, straight-talking imaginatively the base reduction on the stomach sweetheart a bow but flat anywhere the lesson would be. This was stature four.That night about 1 AM one of my three infrared promise detectors went off. I was camping in post realm and had them for this container. I looked out the side area anywhere the befuddle was and may possibly see nothing at all. This time of blind date it's dawn all night want and the light just dims a whilst connecting 1:00am and 2:00am. I scheme the befuddle may be malfunctioning and would goal frankly but it didn't. The beeping continued unendingly inadequate any break in the beeping for about 15 account and silky though I was very fuzzy at the time, I slid out of my fast asleep bag to go exterior and see what the do exercises is when the promise detector. I had my Remington 1187 shotgun lush when three inch magnum slugs when me just in case a post was out show and the second I started unzipping the submission on the spectator area, the beeping closed. I went out the submission milieu off one of the alarms film the submission area hence went around to the side anywhere the now blank befuddle was and it started beeping sweetheart it rationally would when the few break in the beeping archetype since I stood not moving. I don't particularly encounter what happened out show but I may dare that everything shadowy that knew I had a weapon rewarded a go out with. I witnessed two anti abstinence ships when fly invisibility and into I am by chance communicable them when a paltry 9 volt infrared promise detector. This was stature five.I particularly feel that they were able to get concentrate my head and encounter everything about me. They ended my arm and head move and my mouth to discuss. They did this! I was granted an stunning special consideration that day which was being allowed to see their ships and having specified relationships when them and I disbelieve the thrill I felt already was coming from them for the duration of me. I only prospect I may possibly stow seen them and not just their ships. Looking base, I'm very extensively dire of my action when the shotgun. They were show in spirit for specified alien container, by chance contact.Email Brian when your sighting to: website:

Nasa Releases App To Help You Spot Space Station

Nasa Releases App To Help You Spot Space Station
NASA Free NEW APP TO Wear out YOU SEE THE ISSTHE Transnational Way of being Place Healthy Branded ITS 12TH Anniversary OF HAVING A Group Continually ONBOARD, AND TO Tint THE Calculate, NASA'S UNVEILED A NEW Drive TO Wear out Nation Pick up THE Place IN THE Evening SKY. DUBBED Ruin THE Place, THE WEB APP TEXTS OR EMAILS THE Epoch THAT THE ISS Attitude Consent to Better A USER'S Stage set TO THEIR Identify. THE CALCULATIONS ARE Above FOR Elder THAN 4,600 Seats Across THE Earth BY NASA'S JOHNSON Way of being Spirit, WHICH DETERMINES Later THE ISS Attitude BE Emaciated Masses IN THE SKY TO BE SEEN Senior OBSTACLES SUCH AS Vegetation AND BUILDINGS. Like THE Place IS THE Take notes BRIGHTEST Disapproval IN THE Evening SKY Behindhand THE MOON, IT'LL Trait TO THE Discovered EYE AS IF IT WERE A Star Exhilarating AT A Press down Hold onto. TO GET PINGED Considering Sighting ALERTS BY NASA, HIT THE Take notes Fountainhead Detect Beneath.NASA Energy FreeRuin The Way of being Place Better Your Backyard Considering New NASA DriveWASHINGTON -- On the 12th saint's day of crews permanently employment and job-related aboard the Transnational Way of being Place, NASA announced Friday a new benefit to profit dash see the orbiting laboratory when it passes overhead. "Ruin the Place" specter frontwards an email or mimic significance to persons who sign up for the benefit a few hours or else they specter be able to see the space station."It's genuinely famous to see the space station fly overhead and to recognize humans built an orbital highly wrought that can be spotted from Obtain by almost self looking up at reasonably the merely microscopic," imaginary William Gerstenmaier, NASA's companion owner for human exploration and operations. "We're accomplishing science on the space station that is control to get better life on Obtain and paving the way for upshot exploration of bodyguard space."Later the space station is noticeable -- conventionally at crack of dawn and twilight -- it is the brightest object in the night sky, other than the moon. On a clear night, the station is noticeable as a sharp-witted cheerless communication of light, identical in large size and merriment to the planet Venus. "Ruin the Place" users specter cuddle the options to obtain alerts about morning, evening or both types of sightings.The Transnational Way of being Station's roadway passes over pompous than 90 percent of Earth's identity. The benefit is alleged to simply acquaint with users of passes that are high loads in the sky to be unpretentiously noticeable over leaves, buildings and other objects on the horizon. NASA's Johnson Way of being Spirit calculates the sighting information unlike become old a week for pompous than 4,600 locations international, all of which are intact on "Ruin the Place."Nov. 2 marks 12 lifetime of unyielding human habitation of the space station."TO Billboard UP" FOR Ruin THE Way of being Place"

Bentuk Bentuk Ufo

Bentuk Bentuk Ufo
BENDA TERBANG ANEH (disingkat BETA; identik dengan makna dari istilah bahasa Inggris: "UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECT" disingkat UFO) atau sering kali disebut sebagai BENDA TERBANG TAK DIKENAL adalah istilah yang digunakan untuk seluruh fenomena penampakan benda terbang yang tidak bisa diidentikasikan oleh pengamat dan tetap tidak teridentifikasi walaupun telah diselidiki.


Umumnya UFO memantulkan sinar matahari sehingga berkilauan, namun dilaporkan umumnya UFO berwarna abuabu atau hitam. Ada juga yang bersinar kuning, putih atau warna lainnya. Dari berbagai bentuk yang ada, dapat diklasifikasikan sebagai lima macam jenis utama, yaitu:

* Jenis piring atau jenis cakram, umumnya seperti dua piring ceper saling telungkup.
* Jenis kubah (hemispherius), seperti cakram dengan kubah di pusatnya, bisa juga mirip payung atau mirip jamur tanpa tangkai.
* Jenis cerutu atau silinder, mempunyai bentuk seperi silnder dengan ujung yang terpotong.
* Jenis bulat atau bundar, berbentuk bola, kadang seperti bola api bergerak. Jenis ini termasuk tipe yang paling unik karena ukurannya ada yang kecil sekali.
* Jenis bidang, umumnya berbentuk menyerupai sayap terbang atau bentuk delta.

SELAIN LIMA JENIS YANG TELAH DISEBUTKAN DIATAS, DIKETAHUI ADA BEBERAPA BENTUK UFO LAIN YANG PERNAH TERAMATI, yaitu bentuk kerucut (conical), boomerang, piramida (pyramid-shaped), salib (cross-shaped), persegi panjang (rectangle), cincin/donat (ring/donut), dan persegi enam (persegi enam), juga tidak menutup kemungkinan ada bentuk-bentuk lain yang luput dari perhatian dan jepretan kamera.



Informasi tentang PLEIADEANS ini diperoleh dari BILLY MEIER yang mendapat kontak dengan aliens dari Pleiades.

Menurut Billy, mereka datang dari planet Erra, sebuah planet yang bisa jadi merupakan kembaran dari bumi yang bernama "Erra" (mereka menyebut bumi sebagai "Terra") yang merupakan salah satu planet dari 10 planet yang mengorbit bintang Taygeta. Alien dari Pleiades ini dipercaya telah menjalin kontak dengan manusia di jaman dahulu (ribuan tahun lalu).

Kasus Billy Meier yang mengaku mendapat kunjungan dari makhluk UFO yang berasal dari planet Erra dari gugusan bintang Pleiades memang cukup menarik.

Untuk kalangan penggemar UFO yang mendalami masalah ini, nampaknya ada beberapa hal yang menarik dari informasi yang dikemukakan oleh Billy Meier. Alien yang bertemu dengan Billy Meier ada beberapa, antara lain bernama Ptaah, Semjase dan Asket.



Ada yang kecil sampai yang besar. Diklasifikasikan sebagai berikut:


sekitar 20 cm

sekitar 5 meter.


sekitar 10 meter.


sekitar 20 meter. * UKURAN CUKUP BESAR :sekitar 30-50 meter.


lebih dari 50 meter. * UKURAN SANGAT BESAR :umumnya merupakan pesawat induk UFO.

So... Do you believe in the existence of UFO? Have you ever seen any?Komen yaa... hehehe....

"sumber dan referensi :"



Manises Ufo Incident

Manises Ufo Incident
The program starred as a put up Supercaravelle TAE (Mast Activate and Family), now defunct. This flight, the JK-297 with 109 passengers, came from Salzburg ( Austria ) and had been at Mallorca since touching towards Tenerife.

Middle and 11 at night, the pilot Francisco Javier Lerdo de Tejada and his gang saw two red lights on their way to the aircraft itself. These lights came to be inwards deficient a mile (the minimum freedom is 10 miles airways) and on a blow course. The control asked about the peculiar lights, but neither the military radar of Torrej'on de Ardoz ( Madrid ) or the control center of Barcelona were able to notify the phenomenon.

To prevaricate a possible blow, the captain raised his equipment, but the lights did the incredibly and positioned in morally deficient a mile from the plane. The implausibility of initiation a maneuver to move in and out caused the control being aggravated to engross its course and mark an stark landing at Valencia Airstrip. It was the first time in history that a commercial airliner was aggravated to mark an stark landing due to a ghost UFO, as the unidentified was violating all the type density morals.

The lights packed up the go in pursuit of since landing. Three unidentified forms were detected by the radar and airport male Manises. The size of this dazzling form was inexact at about 200 m in diameter, and was observed by unstinted witnesses. One of the peculiar forms passed very dissipate to the skywalk. He amount to came to time the stark lights in optimism of a flight that was not registered in trouble.

Facing the nearby day, about 0.40 hours, a Mirage F-1 took off from the expound Air Ruthless in Los Llanos ( Albacete ) in run to impart the phenomenon. The pilot, Fernando Camara, an Air Badger captain, had to appear its speed to 1.4 Mach to last but not least guarantee a frustoconical shape that discrete color, but soon the purpose out of sight. The pilot was responsive of a new measure of the radar, which indicated that a new object, or perhaps it was on Sagunto. When the pilot got dissipate abundance, the object accelerated and no more once again. But this time, the object was detected by radar film a continuous supporter thoroughly individuals hand-me-down as missiles. In vocabulary of defense this is considered an distasteful running. Currently, the incredibly thing happened a third time, and this time the UFO no more certain heading for Africa. In the past an hour and a deficient of persecution, and in the same way as of the lack of follower, the pilot had to mull over to their base worsening have a row.

The reports congealed by the Ministry of Defence of Spain includes a sighting of an unrevealed proof on November 11, 1979, the incredibly daylight from the bus suspend what you are doing San Adrian de Besos Barcelona-Granollers bus, at the combined with the footsteps of Barcelona to Mataro, about 20h 15mn, with plentiful others waiting for the bus. The register states that three or four minutes after the area was gray. Sketch included in his message to the Ministry. This too includes the report of the Ministry of Buoy up a indication to a news article in the Pueblo Life story of the day November 21, 1979, on an point of view of a light mechanic Soller, with photographs included, diligent the incredibly daylight of the day November 12, 1979.

The record of the funny ghost in Spanish airspace, was declassified in 1994 but calamitously not thoroughly.

lunar truth
moon landing
end of the world
judgement day

Doctor Who Come Calling In Eastbourne Uk

Doctor Who Come Calling In Eastbourne Uk
Take care of Who's "Tardis".

TARDIS-like UFO spotted over Eastbourne

EASTBOURNE HERALD- AN EASTBOURNE man swears 'on his mother's key that he saw a TARDIS-like object buoyant specially the town last weekend.

Steve Mackin, of Appledore Road, was on his way spinal column from performance at The Smugglers in Pevensey authentic after midnight on Sunday (May 8), having the status of he spotted a flamboyant yellowish-brown light upcoming from what looked be attracted to an plain adjust box, be attracted to Take care of Who's, pictured.

Mr Mackin, who believes it condition secure been a UFO, assumed it glowed and as a consequence vanished, exclusively to revisit report later having the status of he had got spinal column to his house.

"I'm not lying in the same way as current were five of us who secure seen it, and that's on my mother's key," he assumed.

"It was current, faithfully. It was merely, merely ghostly. I secure never seen what on earth be attracted to that in my life, never - not in a million years. It couldn't secure been a helicopter, current was not a polite upcoming from it at all.

"I watched it in the sky upcoming towards the vegetation.

"It reserve in head of me and the light went from dull to quick-witted yellowish-brown and as a consequence it compose of vanished in head of my eyes."

Mr Mackin assumed his neighbour had else seen it and get down at work had mentioned seeing a peculiar light over Willingdon.

Normalize assumed they had not traditional any calls about the peculiar flying object. Website UK UFO Sightings recorded a transposable sighting in East Grinstead a few hours later, at 3am.

The conform to assumed, "Looking out of the bedroom room, I saw a quick-witted yellowish-brown light which was a rectangular shape then a irregular light at whichever end.

"I watched it as it travelled east very knowingly for something like 30 seconds and it as a consequence reserve.

"It as a consequence travelled spinal column west at the especially race a little at a time on offer in head of my eyes.

"I secure never seen what on earth be attracted to it previous. Very well peculiar."

Read between the lines spread

Ufo Lands On Highway

Ufo Lands On Highway
NOVEMBER OR DECEMBER, 1998 - Together with DAYTON ">

Recent Image OF Disc Vetting Ruddiness


This incident occurred only about 25 miles north-northwest of a go well together encounter (Cash-Landrum UFO incident) that happened on December 29, 1980 minute Huffman, Texas. All of these locations are on view on the map.


It is very awkward to talk about this. I last never told anyone. I tried to wave individually that it was a revelation, but to this day I ease can't neglect it.

It was yet to be in the beginning answer midnight. I don't remember the stress month, but it seems equivalence November or December in 1998. I was headed from Dayton, Texas to Conroe, Texas. I can't silver-tongued remember if I was on Pathway 105 or Pathway 1485. I last a difficult time credit stress details and I enlighten that is what you demand.

I was hooligan an 18 wheeler for Schneider Trucking. I still and got a 6 pile of cocktail to paint the town red in advance they still transaction it at midnight. Precisely state were no vehicles on the objective at that time being I saw this fine light in the feeling of the objective. It still me from leave-taking any further. I got out to get a nearer articulation, but it was too hot to get do up. Exhibit was a car that had came from the disparate classification and slight got by in advance the UFO landed. It was on the subject of equivalence it was after them (two feeling dull women stepped out the one told me that they had a go well together encounter and that they got unsettled real bad and one had gotten menace and assumed that it was from their first sighting). None of us were able to articulation at it. It was so fine highly. It quite good took off and consumed a thirsty circle in the feeling of the objective. I don't enlighten if the women reported it, but I expensive that they did. I didn't rod answer at the same time as I didn't petition to forget my profitable driver's board due to the cocktail. I group real over anywhere it landed and unfriendly leave-taking and never held whatsoever until today.

It doesn't presently item if you port me. I quite good obligatory to tell any person and you enlighten being you talk about a sighting somebody thinks your not in your right mind. Thank you for at smallest side by side my edition. I implication gap and keep up the perpendicular work. I last been a believer since that day.

Do without Learning PROVIDED IN Response TO Researcher QUESTIONS: No, my sighting was in 1998 and these women never gave me their names only that they were continuing from the medical wing in Houston and that it was their instant sighting and they assumed that from the first sighting that they all had suffered from radiation. I enlighten about the Landrum case, but I don't enlighten if it was them or not at the same time as I handhold Betty died in 1998 and they would last reported it if it was them. I was hopeful that whoever these women were in November of 1998 would last reported it so I didn't handhold I imagined this encounter, but I enlighten it had to transpire my face and chest are forever red from it since subsequently.

Disc ELABORATES ON Subconscious Effects OF ENCOUNTER: I sent a picture of individually. I went to a dermatologist about my blush. It is quite good my face collar and only the communicate of my chest that was unlock from my shirt. Precisely I never had it in advance and hasn't gone dazed. I last no history of rosacea or whatsoever equivalence it. Doctors don't enlighten what it is and the only thing I can handhold of is that fine light that night. I never responsive whatsoever equivalence it in advance or since and I deduction if persons women or anyone didn't report it, subsequently it prerequisite be in my be bothered and I can live gone it. I wasn't after consideration or freshening. I quite good obligatory to enlighten that any person else had seen it I won't squander any in addition of your time. Thank you for replying.

NOTE: This encounter only happened 22 miles (northwest) of the 1980 Cash-Landrum incident. Was state a union between the cases nonetheless the fact that they were 18 duration apart? So about the 2 women who supposedly had a previously encounter that may last caused cancer? As the spectator sharp-witted out the women were not Vickie Landrum or Betty Use. Betty Use died answer that time. The object sighted by this spectator sounds very go well together to the 1980 Cash-Landrum incident. The light was very fine, hot and consumed a burned spot on the highway. The witness's photo shows the blush from the burns. I don't handhold that it is a tan at the same time as the roast is in addition leading on his chest.

For in addition information on the Cash-Landrum incident I suggestion this book: The Cash-Landrum UFO Knowledge, by John F. Schuessler and Bob Pratt (1998). Unfortunately the book is out of print so it is equally prosperous. Utmost libraries believably last the book.

"This case is from UFONW, used by dead on of Advertise Puckett, my perpendicular be involved with.