"At the end of this report, state are two links that force lift you to Little 1 and Little 2 of the hearing test as well as this staff I did for my radio show called the Vike Column."
"THE VIKE Element NOTE:" I (Brian Vike) tease to this evidence on the baptize today (November 5, 2007) for I feature 2 hours and I force be natural ability him quash tomorrow at 12:15 p.m. to end up a smart talk and phone up test which force be aired upcoming up on the "Vike Column radio show". The interview/show force be a special on a substitute night a bit than my geographical Sunday radio show. Of course a new show force be aired each one Sunday night's as geographical.
This very is an artificial story, from being crux a UFO at the age of 7 time old, overly a great deal later in life whenever you like now as a Marine in the Associated States military as well as the greatest of payment was thug as well as others in a bus as well as blacked out windows, black over and done with skin the windows to funnel on-lookers and most physical the military state who were on the bus knowing anywhere it was they were separation. In the role of they here at a dowel, (their destination) they got off the bus, were agreed a powerful opposition that what they were about to see at this dowel was not to be associated in ably, or to a person !
The base report is fine the tip of the story and I order you won't decide to miss this appearance special show. Moreover which is very major, whenever you like nation take to mean what is in print base, and if it rings a bell and you may bear been at this base/hanger or on the bus would you make happy contact me, "Brian Vike at The Vike Element" and relate any details you potency bear on this smart case. Your line information force be unfriendly "complete".
"Peapod Review"
1. 1953 at 7 time of age, I'm agreed a air-mechanics profitable flashlight as a gift from my mothers lure, whom she is measure move to new situate anywhere her spouse has fine found sweat in the Burbank Ca., as aircraft mechanic.
2. Stylish the night time move I slot machine the profitable decisiveness flashlight towards the Hansen Dam built by the Army Element of Engineers and I report on a signal at a light I see on the Dams cover rim, to my astonish, the light proceeds a signal report on, I initiated, report on per flash! My mother seeing this is worried the light potency be a plane and tells me to top, but in reality it is a UFO quiescent on the dams cover rim!
3. Bordering (day) I send off a UFO on the brink over roughly a trifling hill by our government housing set, the UFO is in oscillating listing, I bear this to sympathy of my large brother, two be in charge of cousins who overly put off in government housing project and other clutch.
4. UFO to yourself moves from hill towards apartments and stops, in person, brother, cousins, we cool at UFO occupants who retort the dreadfully, Dr. J. Allen Hynek, reports this to (MUFON) in 1973/75. Comprise follows housing units aid spirit and fly's over subordinate square and comes to rest in 45 mean angle at the base of the Hansen Dam. (letter) government housing, national dam yard, and military in later time libretto band in which I feature is voluntary morose collusion.
5. I knock down as well as clutch go to square area were craft comes to rest, clutch succeed render speechless and retort to government units. I genre the UFO, and do faster strong smell as soon as freestyle exactly, I discharge leg on craft, craft is neither hot or inaccessible as I do faster and I mount the skirt of the UFO and on the harmonizing demean side of the craft I send off blinking lights, of magenta, untried, gold bars, etc. I fall not working here craft, and minimally do faster walking quash to set units close to 45 proceedings later. The clutch are now playing disguise and feed, a equipped of the 50's and 60's.
6. I enter my set unit, and I am panicky as I don't have a high opinion of my sister and ask my mother if she is Chinese also! as in (stretched eyes) my interaction is Hispanic, but the late Dr. Hynek feels and I secure that I was panicky and in reality I was troubled to differentiate the alien beings as best as a 7 time old kid may possibly, incarceration in common sense I'm not attire sure if the term UFO was attire coined in 1953?
7. Brian, real levitation takes discharge anywhere I am floated rising in my room as reported to the late Dr. Hynek, state is a retort of the UFO/craft that night, which done that 15 to 25 an approx: emanate of state adults included, who evidence the retort of the craft and moreover the older UFO abductions lift discharge.
8. The being active to a situate in a sea bus as well as blacked out windows which are decorated black, as well as black over and done with on top of that, 10 time later whenever you like I utility in the Marine Element, anywhere state is a UFO craft. Any, I finally bear found out state is overly inexperienced Marine who has had the dreadfully past history, of being active to a situate anywhere state is a UFO craft as reported in "UFO over California" in print in 2006 by Preston Dennett.
Brian this is proof plenty for me, I'm not missing and state necessity be numerous done prior military employees who bear experienced the dreadfully as in person. Not to intimate the at a low level known evidence that I and the other Marine were all agreed crypto payment, calculate in the military. Absolutely, I emailed you on or about Aug.27 and Aug.29th in this regard the recent 4 to 5 UFO's witnessed by my clutch, as well as a black UFO which turns in to a black helicopter, unreasonable case!
Brian, I'm 60 time of age, such as of the other Marine that has had the meticulous dreadfully thing active discharge knock down as well as crypto payment, dreadfully base, Encampment Pendleton Marine Base, dreadfully time 1967. I don't want to be beat over the head, no matter which is up.
Brian you now bear my baptize emanate, lets saloon in a date whenever you like the children are in series or at night. You don't order how refreshing I am to God for the decent work you do, not to numerous decent investigators out state any done.
Thank you to the evidence for the report, and for be active an test as well as me for "The Vike Column radio show" and for burning up the time as well as Jeff Rense and I on the "Jeff Rense radio show".
"Ruben's Serialized Mesmeric UFO/Alien Encounters"
Hi Brian, If you would be so life as to set up a in the air light wind of what I told you in this regard my case which top in 1953, at age 7, at the foothills of the Angeles Residence Plant, the Tujunga mountains, which were within walking distance to the Hansen Dam Hose down Workings Go beyond. I saw a UFO as well as brothers, cousins, friends, etc. The craft lands flanking to the Dam, and I enter it, and we prompt achieve something to 1964, I tie the Marine Element, active aboard the sea bus, as well as blacked out windows, and end up in a jet hangar as well as blue resplendent UFO, and aliens in hangar.
2. 1954, my interaction was sent to inexperienced government housing unit, which may perform develop the time shape of breaking down the what I announce the UFO test site, housing project. The other government housing units thus far stand to this date and was to be found roughly downtown Los Angeles. At this situate as in the Hansen Dam situate, my opening becomes done multifarious as well as the goings on, especially as it pertained as well as the blue lights. At the Estrada situate government housing units, my younger brother went to get a trifling be in charge from the boys bedroom to watch TV in the successful room, whenever you like the interaction hears his screams of there's a "blue light in the bedroom". I run to the hallway and my younger brother is normal in terror, helpless to move, but minimally able to scream. This is whenever you like I see the delicate blue light, that would overly libretto an major tension in my life in the time to appear, as a Associated States Marine.
3. I sent Brian Vike, an email in this regard Ann Druffels book, "the Tujunga Gorge Links", 1953 the dreadfully time of my older UFO abductions. Ann starts her case history, in this regard two (2) women UFO abductees, and the book starts as well as, "the unclear blue lights" in the bedroom. The blue light I evidence as well as my brother, encompassed the perfect bedroom and hallway. And I as well as my perfect interaction witnessed from less than than a 1/4 mile push away, a blue lit UFO light routine our (SUV) to the information of our limited.
4. From age 7 to 17, the UFO sightings took on a done hands on genre, that is to say the UFO abductions started another time, minimally this time from my impressive parents limited, in Laton, CA in the north central tension of the state. Laton is 30 miles south of Fresno, CA and 8 miles north of Handford, Ca. The discharge of my commence. My grandparents had a worthy section of land, and my grandfather was a farmer, and a nurture foreman for the limited to a small area growers, of fruit, grapes, cotton, bump, etc.
5. As cousins sometimes do, I had a fight as well as one of my be in charge of cousins at age 15, I walked remark to blister off whichever spray. I unsmiling to powernap withdrawn under my grandfathers big 100 time old Oak tree, as the abductions had started up another time. To this day I can't understand why I powernap withdrawn in a armed forces cot under the tree, but I get looking at the stars in the black of night.
6. This hard to please night whenever you like I chop up asleep on the cot I do faster seeing my cousin's interaction upcoming limited articulate 12:30am from the minimally drive-in movie 8 miles remark in Handford, CA. I raised up to see the car and chop up quash asleep. Rudely I would say 3:00am to the a minute ago of the oak tree, I saw the UFO for the first time that had been abducting me from my grandparents house. It was on the a minute ago side of the oak tree in the most important of a trifling feeder drive and I saw the aliens fix up for the first time withdrawn of the craft, one flanking to the oak tree and feeder drive and one flanking to the armed forces cot under the tree which I was asleep on.
I moreover send off close to 3 alien beings on the brink towards my grandfathers log cabin choice house in which he had a gigantic garden of tomato, cucumbers, bump, etc. I looked at them from the cot but was helpless to move, as I was in the liable location this time on my place. The aliens were taking samples of the soil and vegetables, and ruined the soil very shoddily. As my aunt and uncle, cousins saw me asleep on the cot upcoming in from the drive-in, I was responsible for the document to the garden and moreover the following transpired.
7. I was responsible for the document to the garden by my cousin who I had fought as well as the day prior, so I unsmiling to walk to a tube which fed water to the farmers for state fruit grass, cotton, etc. This tube was about 1 and 1/2 miles from my grandparents land. The tube perfectly had water in it and state was a big oak tree on the collection of the tube itself. The collection was slight big plenty to put by chance to bikes on it if we rested the bikes on the tree itself.
Any, we had rigged a fix on the oak tree to substitute straddling the tube and quash to the collection of the tube. It was done fun to be unable to find here the prompt processing sanction water and spool quash to the oak tree. As I was be active this a pair of mature, lets say 3 swings, as I came quash to the cover collection I was overcome to see a fertile big cadaver black desire coup, no matter which as soon as what you see secret aid spirit, along with a trifling limo and a black aid car.
Any, 2 men were stature flanking to the car. They wore unpolluted black suits and I bear a unsettled bulwark of a Fedora type hat on at least possible one of the tall men, but the supernatural thing is I don't understand how they were able to deposit the car flanking to the tree as we children had a nippy time quiescent our bikes there!
The men who looked along with Oriental/Russian, cloudy grassy pigmentation. From the quash gathering place of the car they brought a caped living thing, I took to be a woman as I was 15 time of age I designed to in person, oh my exultant day. On a very inlet, this living thing was the most outrageous, objectionably unattractive being I bear customarily seen. I lift to run, but necessity bear chop up down the river/canal collection, so I started to mount on my hands and leg until I reached a trifling communicate for tractor change. I moreover ran quash to my grandparents limited.
Brian, I don't order if you bear 2 computers by chance a lap top and a schedule top, so you can quality all tension (2) emails, if not you can perfectly receive a nippy mimic. Statistics 1 to 7 of tension (2) gives a ordinary light wind of what happen after the make signs UFO/abduction, and the sea bus meander as well as blacked out windows, to situate anywhere UFO is housed, and alien beings genre, the Marine organization.
8. Formerly being active to the UFO situate, I was sent to Vietnam anywhere I was on the very ship to land in Vietnam in April 10, 1965. Former to my 13 month tour of burden in Vietnam my unit was ruined up as a education unit for the numerous battalions of Marines to appear after us, I was assigned to a inhale unit and reassigned to an intelligence unit, calculate in the inhale unit I was to report of any air activity that is resistance jet planes, but this was not usually the case, but I did see what I air was UFOs which strait to routine all inhale units I was as well as, in my hearts of hearts I perfectly felt that this was a concerted dilemma on the tension of the UFO's/aliens, to funnel tab, on in person and other Marines who may of had the dreadfully past history as in person, as soon as the UFO in the jet hangar.
In the role of I was assigned to the intelligence officers, I pleasant to report what I was seeing as it pertained to the UFOs that strait to routine the patrols I found in person active tension in. On one law, I noticed a silver/disk UFO, which strait to routine the law for 2 or 3 living, I did not report this to the intelligence officers, as I didn't order who I may possibly stampede, (Emphasis Added!). In the role of we were on appreciation slot machine of the national guard one day I was stature as well as about 5 of the officers, whenever you like out of order anywhere, another time the blue lights came on, but this time it was cerulean blue, which encircled all 6 of us as well as electrical bolts of light that was I would say 20 yards all articulate us!
9. I moreover rejoined inexperienced inhale unit, and was moreover medevac'd out of Vietnam, to Yokuska Aquatic Hospice in Japan, anywhere I met a chaplains celebrate, and the most unreasonable thing happen, in this regard his knowledge of my minute case as it pertains to UFOs.
10. The big picture/and most recent UFO activity, after the Japan age, UFO activity has stirred achieve something at a prompt pace, consequently I contacted Brian to report, the blue UFO following my (SUV) limited at night, overly after once another time sparkling a profitable from my current limited to a UFO less than than a 1/4 mile from my limited, the supports in my dryer perceive develop and go into liquidation band whenever you like the dryer was off, and 15 proceedings later the report control in my bedroom perceive develop after I shine the light at the UFO.
An a UFO follows limited the 3rd. week of march, and my youngster dreams of a UFO on Aug. 27 TH. by our quash place, and on Aug. 29 4 UFOs make your mark to us, and a 5th black UFO comes in-between the 4 UFO moreover shove changes to a black helicopter, it goes on and on, at this slot machine I embrace I necessity stampede the chaplains celebrate of what he told me in 1965. Brian I force add a at a low level done as time permits, on the show, Ruben.
Thank you to Ruben for partition his out of the blue past history as well as us all.
"YOU CAN Chill TO THE TWO Little Interview BY Separation TO THE At the rear Associates."
"Little 1" - "http://jancikradionetwork.com/innerstreamsradio/show/vike report/specials/vr-special.071109-p1.mp3"
"Little 2" - "http://jancikradionetwork.com/innerstreamsradio/show/vike report/specials/vr-special.071109-p2.mp3"
"FROM THE VIKE Element History (BRIAN VIKE)" http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/
If you bear seen no matter what as soon as this in the dreadfully area make happy be life plenty to contact Brian Vike at: "sighting@telus.net" as well as the details of your sighting. "ALL Unique Write down IS Kept back Closet."
"SIGHTINGS.COM WEBSITE: http://www.sightings.com/"
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